25 Most Powerful Characters, Ranked


25 Most Powerful Characters, Ranked

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25 Most Powerful Characters, Ranked


  • Power can be held in different ways – through positions, brute force, or intelligence.
  • Characters on Game of Thrones displayed impressive shows of force and found ways to survive and thrive.
  • Power dynamics could change drastically, and even the strongest characters could be taken down in an instant.

While power dynamics could change drastically in Westeros, the strongest Game of Thrones characters always displayed an impressive show of force. As big as the world of the HBO fantasy series was, the characters were always the most compelling part and it was interesting to see how various figures of different standings found ways to survive and thrive in this deadly world. The show also proved that power can be taken away as some of the strongest Game of Thrones characters in one episode could be dead by the next.

Game of Thrones’ various kings and queens could wield power simply from the position they held while other characters used brute force to conquer people. Then there were people like Tyrion Lannister who relied on their intelligence to outsmart their enemies. With ice zombies, fire-breathing dragons, and mysterious religious entities, there were other factors that elevated certain characters to intimidate even the strongest warriors on Game of Thrones.


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25 Thoros Of Myr

Could Bring Beric Back From The Dead

Thoros of Myr was originally sent to Westeros by the Red Priests to convert King Robert Baratheon to their religion. Thoros lost his faith, however, until the Lord of Light gave him the power to bring his friend Beric Dondarrion back from the dead — six times. Thoros’ ability to bring people back to life appears limited to just Beric, indicating that the Lord of Light had bigger plans for the fallen knight. Thoros wasn’t invulnerable himself either, as he died in season 7 after being attacked by a wight polar bear beyond the Wall.

Interestingly, Thoros himself reveals that he doesn’t even know why he has this power. He explains that when Beric was killed the first time by Gregor Clegane, Thoros simply spoke the words he had learned as a Red Priest, not because he believed them, but because they were the only words he knew to say to his friend who had died.

24 Sandor Clegane

A Ruthless Warrior

The Hound building a church in Game of Thrones Season 6

Sandor Clegane, best known as The Hound, is a strong fighter who was burnt and scarred by his older brother Gregor as a child. The Hound was the bodyguard for Joffrey Baratheon, though he became a hunted man after he abandoned his post due to his fear of fire. The Hound was one of the most intimidating characters in the early seasons of the HBO adaptation, memorably taking on an entire tavern of enemies and winning more or less unscathed.

After Arya left The Hound for dead in Game of Thrones season 4, he regained his strength and sought a more peaceful path. He also showed his heroic side by banding together with the Brotherhood Without Banners to fight the White Walkers. He even overcomes his fear of fire to save Arya in the Battle of Winterfell.

Though he had lost in a fight to Brienne of Tarth, The Hound takes on another of Westeros’ most fearsome fighters, and his own brother, The Mountain. While The Hound also died as well, he proved he was a match for his powerful older brother.

23 Brienne Of Tarth

One Of Westeros’ Best Fighters

Brienne finds Sansa and offers her sword in Game of Thrones

As seen in her first scene, Brienne of Tarth earned her place in King Renly’s Kingsguard after she won a tournament, though her status was called into question after she was blamed for Renly’s murder. Brienne eventually impressed Jaime Lannister with her fighting prowess. Despite his immense arrogance as a fighter, Brienne was able to beat him even when he still had both of his hands. She was often seen taking on various villains at once with ease, killing Stark soldiers who murdered women and taking on Ramsay Bolton’s men to save Sansa.

Along with her fighting ability, her unbreakable honor led to her knighting by Jaime to become the first female knight in the Seven Kingdoms. Brienne continued to prove her strength in battle with other intimidating warriors like the Hound and even Arya Stark, earning her eventual title as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard at the end of Game of Thrones.

22 Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane

The Biggest, Most Vicious Fighter In Westeros

Ser Gregor Clegane was already an impressive warrior known as “The Mountain Who Rides” due to his size. He was one of the most feared warriors in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, showing off his strength like cutting a horse’s head off with one blow and crushing Oberyn Martell’s skull with his bare hands. The fear that surrounded him also made him more powerful, as he would butcher anyone who angered him even slightly.

He was shown to have a weakness in moving too slowly, which led to him being defeated by Oberyn, even if he killed him as well. However, in death, he became even more terrifying. He was saved and transformed into an undead monster before being appointed Queen Cersei’s guard. He continued to show incredible feats of strength, like ripping a man’s head off and bashing Qyburn’s head against the wall like he was swatting a fly.

21 Euron Greyjoy

A Man With A Large Fleet

Pilou Asbæk as Euron Greyjoy on Game of Thrones (2011-2019)

Euron Greyjoy was a late villain addition to the show and one who was more of an annoyance than a threat. Though he saw himself as a would-be king, he was little more than a thuggish henchman for Cersei. Still, he managed to do considerable damage in that role. Euron leveraged House Greyjoy’s mastery of sea power to raise the largest fleet in Westeros, making him a valuable ally to Cersei.

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He then easily decimated most of Daenerys’ ships while defeating the remaining Greyjoys and the Sand Snakes in one brutal move. He was also the only human in the series to take down a dragon with the help of one of Qyburn’s Scorpion devices. Part of Euron’s power comes from the fact that he seemingly loves the carnage of battle and shows no fear. His final moment comes as he faces off with Jaime Lannister. Although Euron is killed in the fight, he dies happy knowing he injured Jaime enough to ensure his death as well.

Euron first appears in season 6, episode 2, “Home.”

20 High Sparrow

An Influential Leader

The High Sparrow at the Red Keep in Game of Thrones

At first glance, the High Sparrow does not seem like much of a power figure in the story. He is a religious leader who lives a modest and grounded life. However, he inspired so many followers that he nearly overthrew the Lannister family. While Cersei attempted to use the High Sparrow’s influence to get rid of the Tyrells, he proved incorruptible and used his new power to have her imprisoned. He proceeded to manipulate Tommen to gain control over the throne.

The High Sparrow had a way of presenting his point of view as if it were rational and just, making everyone else seem like they were unruly. He even managed to stand up to Olenna Tyrell in a verbal faceoff which barely any character can claim. However, like most powerful figures in this show, the power went to his head and he began to think he was untouchable. This set him up to be beaten by Cersei, an opponent he had bested previously but severely underestimated.

19 Robb Stark

The Young Wolf Was Undefeated In Battle

Robb Stark in armor outside in Game of Thrones

Robb Stark was thrust into a position of great power after Ned Stark was executed. However, despite his young age, Robb proved himself to be a skilled military commander and inspiring leader, even being named the King in the North. Despite going up against more experienced enemies like Tywin Lannister, Robb won every battle he commanded. He outsmarted his enemies and was a skilled fighter himself.

Robb went into battle alongside his direwolf, Grey Wind, providing another strong weapon in his fighting. However, like his father, Robb wasn’t a skilled politician, and he made several bad decisions off the battlefield. He chose honor over what would help his cause when he beheaded Lord Karstark. He then followed his heart in marrying another woman, breaking his pact with Walder Frey which eventually led to Robb and many of his men being killed at the Red Wedding.

18 Arya Stark

A Skill Assassin Who Killed The Night King

From the beginning, Arya Stark was one of Game of Thrones‘ most impressive characters. She took an interest in fighting when she was given her first sword, Needle, and trained under the guidance of “water dancer” Syrio Forel. She then trained with the Faceless Men at the House of Black and White before returning to Westeros. While training with Jaqen and the Waif, Arya learned exceptional combat skills as well as how to change her face and take on another person’s identity.

This training came in useful later in the series, as Arya is the one to defeat the Night King during season 8’s “The Long Night.” The young Stark also used her abilities to avenge the deaths of her mother, Catelyn, and brother, Robb, by killing Walder Frey and his sons. Though smaller than many of the other warriors, she proved herself one of the deadliest.


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17 Jaqen H’ghar

The Faceless Man Who Trained Arya

Jaqen H'ghar in the hall of faces from Game of Thrones

A member of the Faceless Men, Jaqen first encountered Arya Stark in season 2. After Arya saved his life, Jaqen killed three people for her and helped her escape Harrenhal with Gendry and Hot Pie, giving her a Braavosi coin and changing his face before disappearing. His ability to kill people in quiet and undetectable ways suggested he could get to anyone in Westeros if he really wanted to. He even killed a man in front of Tywin Lannister and didn’t get caught.

Jaqen’s ability to change his appearance and become somebody else is a powerful asset that makes him and the rest of the Faceless Men formidable enemies. Moreover, Jaqen held considerable influence over the people of Braavos as a House of Black and White representative; his power went beyond simple magical abilities. Within the show, Jaqen only operated as a killer for hire, but there is a sense that he could have reshaped the power dynamic of Westeros on his own if he was so inclined.

16 Melisandre

The Magical Red Priestess

Melisandre was the most powerful Red Priestess fans saw in Game of Thrones, despite her unreliable prophecies. The first hint of her impressive abilities came when one of her opponents tried to poison her only for it to not affect her. She was then seen to have the power to birth a “shadow monster” that was used to kill Renly Baratheon, eliminating the first of the kings from the War of the Five Kings.

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Melisandre originally followed Stannis Baratheon, believing him to be Azor Ahai, and even convinced him to burn his daughter Shireen alive before changing her allegiance to Jon Snow. Melisandre brought Jon Snow back to life in Game of Thrones season 6 after the Night’s Watch members killed him.

She assisted during “The Long Night” by lighting the trench and Dothraki arakhs on fire before urging Arya to kill the Night King. It was also revealed that, despite her beautiful and youthful appearance, she used magic to hide the fact that she was actually an ancient woman. While she had flaws and came to doubt her powers at times, there were a lot of mysteries surrounding Melisandre and what she was truly capable of.

15 Ned Stark

A Noble Leader Held In High Regard

Ned standing outside with Ice in Game of Thrones

The Lord of Winterfell, Ned Stark was a respected figure in the North. Most of his bannermen loved him, and those who weren’t devoted to him at least respected and obeyed him. Ned was one of Westeros’ most prominent figures, even if he never used his power; indeed, he was content to stay in the North. Though his days as a warrior in Robert’s Rebellion were long behind him, Ned was still a formidable fighter, surprising the younger Jaime Lannister with his abilities.

Ned’s position was significant, but his seclusion in the North made him utterly unprepared for King’s Landing and the game of thrones. Ned made a string of awful decisions in Game of Thrones, and his power and influence couldn’t save him when Joffrey called for his head. However, even in death, Ned’s influence was able to give power to his remaining family. It was in his honor that Robb, Jon, and Sansa were all named rulers of the North.

Ned Stark died in season 1, episode 9, “Baelor.”

14 Varys

The Master Of Whisperers Knew Everything In The Realm

Varys looking stern in Game of Thrones season 7.

The Master of Whisperers held a power unlike any other in the realm. Varys knew everything about everyone, and his secrets made him one of the leading players in the game. He had few allies and many enemies, but he was cunning enough to keep both at a safe distance. Varys wasn’t a lord, yet he commanded more respect than many other highborn men. His standing allowed him to manipulate events that would decide the fate of Westeros, and his influence spread far across the Narrow Sea.

Power isn’t always gold and armies; sometimes, it’s all about secrets. While working in King’s Landing as part of Robert Baratheon’s Small Council, Varys was also plotting to help return a Targaryen to the Iron Throne. His influence reached far, being able to locate and bring the sorcerer who mutilated him as a child to Westeros for vengeance. Quite out of character, Varys’ downfall came from trusting the wrong person, letting Tyrion know of his plans to prevent Daenerys from becoming queen, which led to his execution.

13 Petyr Baelish

The Ultimate Schemer

Littlefinger at a tournament on Game of Thrones

It might be a stretch to claim Littlefinger was the best choice to rule Westeros, but Petyr Baelish’s skill as a politician was unmatched. He was the main force behind the War of the Five Kings, whose standing as a minor lord made him successfully fool many powerful people. Similar to Varys, Littlefigner knew all the secrets and ways to exploit people. He plotted the deaths of Robert Arryn and Joffrey Baratheon, enjoying the opportunities a kingdom in chaos provided him.

Littlefinger rose to become Lord of Harrenhal and Lord Protector of the Vale. He held considerable influence over many people, including some powerful lords. His ambition took him further than anyone thought possible. He was even able to briefly turn Sansa and Arya against each other, with things nearly turning deadly. In the end, it took Bran with his all-seeing powers for Littlefinger to find himself in a situation that he could not lie and cheat his way out of.


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12 Tyrion Lannister

Possibly The Smartest Person In Westeros

Game of Thrones had many powerful Hands of the King, but few were more significant than Tyrion Lannister. The youngest of the Lannisters was also the cleverest, which made him a logical choice to advise the kings and queens of Westeros. Tyrion served Joffrey, proving his shrewdness by defending King’s Landing from Stannis’ attacks by setting a wildfire trap. Sadly, his contributions went unnoticed, and he was a less effective Hand to Daenerys, who had her own ideas and plans.

However, he still ended the show as Bran’s newly-appointed Hand of the King. Not many characters win the game, but Tyrion certainly came out on top and with a position of considerable power. He was a character who proved that intelligence can be a stronger weapon than a sword, using the fact that everyone looked down on him to shape himself into someone who was more impressive than all those naysayers.

Peter Dinklage won four Emmys for his performance as Tyrion Lannister.

11 Joffrey Baratheon

A Cruel King

joffrey baratheon sitting on the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones.

Tywin was right; Joffrey was no true king. He was cruel, stupid, ignorant, and blatantly unprepared for the role. However, he still sat on the Iron Throne, meaning he was the most powerful figure in the Seven Kingdoms, at least on paper. Looking at his reign, it is an interesting example of how a king can be a puppet to those around him, but still be dangerous with the power the role provides to him.

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Joffrey was easily manipulated; Tywin, Tyrion, and Margaery kept him at bay, although Cersei allowed him to do as he pleased. Still, he never wielded the absolute power of the Iron Throne because someone was always there to subdue his worst impulses, especially after his stupidity in ordering Ned’s death provoked the War of the Five Kings. However, the powerful position allowed him to embrace his sadistic tendencies more freely. In the end, Joffrey found out how replaceable kings were, as he was simply killed by those who no longer wanted him on the Iron Throne.

10 Olenna Tyrell

An Underestimated Strategist Who Makes Bold Moves

Olenna Tyrell confesses to Joffrey's murder

Olenna Tyrell was another unassuming figure who wielded incredible power in Westeros. As the oldest member of one of the richest houses in the land, Olenna allowed others to think her son Mace Tyrell was in charge, but she held all of House Tyrell’s power. Olenna, aka the Queen of Thorns, was a cunning strategist who faced off with men like Tyrion and Tywin and succeeded in gaining the upper hand.

She sought to maneuver her family into powerful positions and then take out anyone who was in their way. Despite her age, she was not afraid to make bold moves, including killing Joffrey. She was someone who always seemed to be in control of any situation she found herself in. While she was eventually cornered by the Lannisters, she even came out on top in her own death, revealing to Jaime in her final moments that she was responsible for Joffrey’s death.

9 Tywin Lannister

The Real Power In The Red Keep

Tywin wearing his Lannister armor on horseback in Game of Thrones season 2

House Lannister was filled with intimidating figures: thus, it speaks highly of Tywin Lannister that they were all terrified of him. Even in his position as Hand to Aerys II Targaryen aka the Mad King and King Joffrey Baratheon, everyone knew Tywin was the one who was really in control. Tywin was a man who was never seen in battle in the entire series, yet he was still able to vanquish nearly all of his enemies at one time or another.

Tywin consistently made shrewd and brilliant political moves, understanding where to make allies that would do the most damage to his enemies. When Stannis killed Renly Baratheon, Tywin recruited the Tyrells to help crush his army. When Robb Stark broke his oath to the Freys, Tywin helped Walder Frey orchestrate the Red Wedding. His cruelty inspired fear among everyone, resulting in very few people willing to stand up to him. The song “The Rains of Castamere” is a tale of the extent of his cruelty, wiping out an entire house in Westeros for crossing him.

8 Robert Baratheon

A Warrior Turned King

Robert Baratheon drinking and looking impatient in Game of Thrones.

Robert was King of the Seven Kingdoms for 15 years. The realm kept a relative sense of stability and peace, although many still remembered the Targaryen rule with mixed feelings. It is understandable if some don’t see Robert as an entirely impressive man, considering most of his achievements happened before the events of the movie. However, they have a long-lasting impact on the story.

Though he didn’t seem to have much interest in ruling, Robert won the Iron Throne through sheer skill in battle, even killing Rhaegar Targaryen in single combat. Despite being a mostly absent king, Robert wielded considerable power during his time as ruler. Out of all the characters who sat on the Iron Throne, Robert is perhaps the most inconsequential. However, Robert Baratheon’s death in Game of Thrones kicked off one of the bloodiest and most devastating periods in Westeros’ history.

7 Jon Snow

The True Heir To The Iron Throne

Each of the contenders to the throne had a different leading style, with Queen Cersei ruling through fear and Daenerys ruling through power. Jon Snow managed to gather his own army as a respected leader through sheer courage and honor, making him a Stark in everything but name. Not only was Snow highly trained as a son of Stark despite his bastard upbringing, but he was able to align formerly warring tribes together to fight the threat of the White Walkers.

He eventually earned him the powerful title of the King of the North like his adopted father before him. Jon Snow’s true parentage made him the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, but he showed no interest in it. Instead, he impressed those around him through his resurrection, his bravery in the Battle of the Bastards, and rescuing the Wildlings at Hardhome.

A Jon Snow spinoff show was planned by ultimately canceled.

6 Sansa Stark

The Queen In The North

Sansa Stark sitting on her Winterfell throne with a crown on her head in Game Of Thrones

Sansa began the series as a naive and narrow-minded young girl, so it is impressive that she ended the series as one of the smartest of the main characters. Her particular education eventually led her to become the Queen in the North, a fierce and undeterred woman who did everything in her power to defend her people. The North might be secluded, but it’s the largest kingdom in Westeros, making Sansa significantly powerful by the show’s end.

She went through a lot over the course of the series, but she survived and defeated her enemies because she was smarter. Jon Snow and his impressive battle skills would still have lost the Battle of the Bastards were it not for Sansa’s strategic maneuvers. Her passion for protecting the Northerners secured their undying loyalty to her and House Stark, and her experiences with Littlefinger and Cersei made her choose an advantageous marriage that would further increase her standing.

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