5 Expert Reasons to Get on the EV Bandwagon


5 Expert Reasons to Get on the EV Bandwagon

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Like it or not, the electric vehicle revolution is upon us. Irrespective of how you feel about switching your old gas-guzzler for a more environmentally friendly EV (electric vehicle), the reality is that there are several good reasons to consider it.

And what then? It’s fairly simple luckily! In addition to your new EV, all you really need is a type 2 charging cable, an app to show all the local charging stations and, if space allows, a home charging port. And remember, changing to an EV benefits you but also carries other advantages.

Transitioning to an electric vehicle (EV) doesn’t have to be complicated. Besides your EV, all you need is a type 2 charging cable, a handy app to locate nearby charging stations, and possibly a home charging port if you have the space. The benefits extend beyond personal savings and environmental impact. EVs often require less maintenance, offer quieter rides, and contribute to cleaner air quality. Plus, with advancements in technology and increasing infrastructure, the convenience of owning an EV continues to improve, making it a practical choice for many. Embracing this shift can benefit both you and the planet.

Why Everyone Should Switch to an EV


It’s not only the rest of the world that’s opting to switch to electric vehicles. The EV industry has seen significant growth in Australia in recent years. In fact, news outlets estimate that at least 7.4% of all new vehicle sales in Australia over the first half of 2023 were EVs.

This means that just over 43,000 EVs have been delivered to Australians which has resulted in a four-fold increase in share in just over a year. With that in mind, our experts have compiled a list of the top reasons why you should consider making the switch.

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1.    Considerably Less Air Pollution

The number one reason to invest in an EV is the impact it will have on the environment. Since about 10% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions are produced by petrol vehicles under 3.5 tons, it stands to reason that removing a huge chunk of these will contribute to less air pollution.

Essentially, a fully electric vehicle emits zero tailpipe CO2 emissions as there is no internal combustion engine involved. On average a petrol vehicle discharges about 185 GCO2/km whereas an EV only emits 98 GCO2/km. Ultimately, you’ll be pushing less carbon into the atmosphere.

2.    Less Vehicle Maintenance


Let’s be honest. Petrol cars, no matter how old they are, require a lot of varied maintenance throughout their lifespan. This again has to do with their internal combustion engines that have numerous moving parts that experience an extensive amount of wear and tear. Maintenance is essential for them to keep working effectively.

EV maintenance, on the other hand, doesn’t involve a complex maintenance regime because they have fewer moving parts. For the most part, you’re only looking at maintaining the following items:

The cost of maintaining these items is considerably less than that of the petrol predecessors. Batteries are the costliest of these aspects and with the average battery unit having an eight-year warranty and a life expectancy of between 10 – 20 years, it’s not a replacement you will make often.

3.    Reduced Fuel Expenses


If you own a petrol vehicle, then you know what it’s like to monitor the rising fuel prices every month. More often than not, fuel prices make up a huge chunk of our monthly budgets. This all changes when you switch to an EV.

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While it’s true that you will still need to pay for the electricity used to charge your new EV, it’s considerably cheaper than filling your petrol car. Or at least, that’s the case in Western Australia.

4.    Superior Driving Experience

When EVs first made an appearance, there was a running joke that you wouldn’t really be able to drive very far or for very long. In fact, many of the first EV drivers were often the but of a wide range of jokes.

Fast forward to a few years later and it seems that the EV drivers are having the last laugh. When it comes to comfort and overall control, EV drivers are finding a superior driving experience. In addition to minimal noise, there are also no petrol and diesel fumes. EV drivers can also look out for instant torque from just about any speed, which has become a huge selling point!

5.    Can be Charged By Renewable Energy


Another plus point is that you can charge your EV with renewable energy. Therefore, if you have solar power, charging your EV will cost you even less than originally anticipated.

To further reduce the costs of charging your vehicle, you can also install a home charging unit and opt to invest in a portable charger. This will reduce the need to queue at charging stations on your way home from work. It’s as simple as setting your EV up to charge overnight, the way you would do with your mobile phone!

Final Thoughts

In addition to superior features, EVs are an excellent way to reduce your household’s carbon emissions in a significant way. Opting for the right type of EV will ensure that you also trade up for a vehicle that provides you with a smoother driving experience. Furthermore, the money you’ll save on your overall petrol budget will make you wish you had made the switch sooner!

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