50 Midjourney rarely used words to improve your creativity


50 Midjourney rarely used words to improve your creativity

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50 Midjourney rarely used words to improve your creativity

The guide presents a list of 50 uncommon words that were used as prompts in Midjourney to generate unique images. These words, which are not typically used in everyday language, were selected by exceptional AI artist Thaeyne to explore their visual interpretation when used as the first word in various prompts. The prompts were themed around concepts such as “princess drawing,” “futurism,” “mechanical angel,” and “orb.” The words were chosen for their rarity and the fact that they had not been used previously by the author in this context. The list is organized by the author’s preference based on the appeal of the resulting images.

Words to improve your Midjourney creativity

For instance  a word like “dodecahedron.” Picture its twelve faces, each one catching the light in a unique way. This geometric shape could inspire you to explore the interplay of light and shadow, creating a piece that dances with mathematical precision and beauty. As you delve deeper, you’ll come across “phosphenes,” the sparks of light you see when you close your eyes tightly. Imagine capturing that sensation in your art—a burst of color against a dark canvas, a visual representation of the mind’s ability to conjure light from darkness.

Then there’s “seraglio,” a word that speaks of hidden quarters and seclusion. Your challenge is to convey this sense of privacy and mystery in your work, perhaps through a play of subtle shades and shadows that invite the viewer to look closer. Consider “syncretism,” the merging of different beliefs into one. You might visualize this as a cosmic alignment, where each element comes together to form a harmonious whole. A central orb, glowing and vibrant, could be surrounded by elements that whisper of a celestial seraglio.

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For those fascinated by patterns, “guilloche” offers a complex, interwoven design that can serve as the foundation for a piece, much like the grid of a city map. And if you’re someone who sees patterns in randomness—an “apophenic”—you might be drawn to the spirals of a DNA helix or the winding paths of a labyrinth. Words can also evoke fleeting, ephemeral moments. The “auroral” beauty of the Northern Lights or the elusive nature of a dream can inspire works that capture these transient wonders. “Argyrosphere,” with its silver connotations, suggests a shimmering expanse waiting to be depicted, while “anamorphosis” challenges you to create images that transform based on the viewer’s perspective.

The human experience isn’t forgotten. “Melancholia” could be expressed through a solitary figure set against a stark, contrasting background, while “limerence,” the intense longing of unrequited love, might be personified by a mechanical angel reaching out for something just out of reach.

From the eternal, captured in the word “sempiternal,” to the otherworldly “eldritch,” each term presents a new opportunity for visual exploration. Whether it’s the soft glow of an iridescent orb or the soothing colors of chromotherapy, these words are your springboard into uncharted artistic territory. The “ouroboros,” a symbol of cycles and rebirth, reminds us that language and imagery are always evolving, with each creative endeavor revealing new layers of meaning and beauty.

  • Dodecahedron: A polyhedron with 12 pentagonal faces.
  • Scintillating: Emitting bright flashes or sparks of light.
  • Stratified: Arranged in layers or strata.
  • Phosphenes: Visual phenomena of seeing light without light entering the eye.
  • Quintessence: The purest essence or most typical embodiment of something.
  • Seraglio: Sequestered living quarters in the Ottoman Empire.
  • Tessellate: Arranging shapes in a pattern without gaps.
  • Camaïeu: Monochrome artwork using shades of a single color.
  • Syncretism: Merging different beliefs into a new system.
  • Syzygy: Alignment of celestial bodies.
  • Scintillant: Sparkling or twinkling brightly.
  • Parietal: Relating to the walls of a body cavity.
  • Susurrous: Soft, whispering sounds.
  • Guilloche: Decorative pattern with interwoven spirals.
  • Apophenic: Seeing patterns where none exist.
  • Apogee: Farthest point in an orbit.
  • Palatinate: Territory ruled by a palatine.
  • Evanescent: Vanishing quickly, leaving no trace.
  • Argyrosphere: Upper atmosphere layer with silver ions.
  • Anamorphosis: Distorted projection that appears normal from a specific angle.
  • Helical: Spiral or coiled shape.
  • Solipsistic: Belief in the existence of one’s own mind only.
  • Murrini: Patterns in glass from colored rods.
  • Aquiline: Curved like an eagle’s beak.
  • Elysian: Idyllic paradise.
  • Efflorescence: Crystallized salt deposits on surfaces.
  • Sempiternal: Everlasting, without end.
  • Grillage: Grid-like foundation for buildings.
  • Melancholia: Deep, long-lasting sadness.
  • Phantasmagoric: Illusionary, shifting appearance.
  • Ombré: Gradual blending of color shades.
  • Imbroglio: Complicated, confusing situation.
  • Architectonic: Relating to building design.
  • Tenebrism: Painting style with dramatic contrasts.
  • Arabesque: Flowing, intertwined pattern.
  • Sgraffito: Technique of scratching through a surface to reveal a lower layer.
  • Phyllotaxis: Arrangement of plant parts.
  • Labyrinthine: Maze-like complexity.
  • Limerent: Obsessive romantic desire.
  • Auroral: Related to atmospheric lights.
  • Cloisonné: Enameling technique with compartments.
  • Penumbra: Partially shaded region of a shadow.
  • Fulgurite: Glassy structure from lightning strikes.
  • Hoarfrost: Feathery ice crystal deposits.
  • Alizarin: Vibrant red dye.
  • Opalescent: Iridescent like an opal.
  • Cymatics: Patterns formed by sound vibrations.
  • Chromotherapy: Color light therapy.
  • Eldritch: Sinister, unnatural forces.
  • Ouroboros: Symbol of cyclicality and renewal.

These 50 rare words are more than just prompts; they’re an invitation to push the boundaries of your imagination. As you translate these terms into visual art, you’ll not only deepen your connection with the expressive potential of language but also expand your artistic toolkit. So, grab your brush, your camera, or your digital tools, and let these words guide you on a creative odyssey that promises to enrich your work and captivate your audience.

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Midjourney Consistent Characters

If you are writing books and require illustrations that have the same character across multiple images or illustrations will be pleased to know that the development team at Midjourney have recently enabled the highly anticipated Consistent Characters feature. To learn more about how to create and use the Midjourney Consistent Character check out our tips and tricks guide.

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