8 Things That Need To Happen In Arcane Season 2 Before The Show Ends


8 Things That Need To Happen In Arcane Season 2 Before The Show Ends

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8 Things That Need To Happen In Arcane Season 2 Before The Show Ends

Arcane season 2 looks set to follow up on the success of the first outing and could be even bigger, but several things need to happen before the show concludes. Given the Netflix series was an award-winning hit when it first debuted, it made it all the more surprising when Arcane announced it was ending with season 2. Although the three-year wait between seasons may have limited the show’s longevity, the excellent story and animation alongside Arcane‘s huge popularity made it seem like it would last for years to come, which sadly isn’t the case.

Despite this announcement being slightly disappointing, the series concluding in November raises the stakes for Arcane season 2, making its final outing all the more interesting. The tense storylines only feel more dramatic and the characters’ fates are a lot less certain, adding more emotion to the plot. While these factors should make season 2 the show’s best installment yet, it also puts more pressure on Arcane to perform and offer a satisfying conclusion. Therefore, it’s important that the series wraps up its major stories and uncovers its biggest mysteries before season 2 comes to an end.

8 Piltover & Zaun’s War Must End In Arcane Season 2

The Communities Have To Resolve Their Problems & Coexist

The war between Piltover and Zaun looks like it will be a major part of the upcoming story after Arcane season 1’s ending showed Jinx reigniting the feud between both communities. Although there was always tension between the cities, they’d managed to live in reluctant peace while Vander was still alive, but things slowly unraveled in season 1, with Jinx’s attack on the Piltover Council seemingly sparking a war. Seeing how each character fits into the conflict and how the events change them will be interesting, but season 2 has to make sure the bloodshed concludes.

If Arcane had more seasons to come, the battles could have been stretched over multiple seasons, but ending the show with both communities still at odds with each other would feel unsatisfying. Even if the show decides to have one community come out on top, leaving the other in disarray, something has to give between the two cities. Violence and brutality are undoubtedly a big part of the series, but there needs to be meaning behind it, suggesting the war should be resolved, even if it takes until the finale to get there.

7 Arcane Season 2 Must Show Off More Legend Abilities

League of Legends Has Plenty Of Interesting Abilities That Arcane Hasn’t Fully Utilized

Considering Arcane is based on League of Legends and uses many of the video game’s characters, the show should utilize abilities more often. While Jinx’s magic and Vi’s gauntlets have been on display at times, there are still several characters who could flaunt more of their attributes from the game series in Arcane. For example, Ekko hasn’t created his Z-Drive in the series and Heimerdinger hasn’t shown off his impressive turrets and missiles that are so deadly in the game, meaning the show still has plenty of interesting gimmicks to use.

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Jinx’s rocket towards the Piltover council was a perfect example of how devastating these characters can be, meaning season 2 could include these powers and ultimates far more frequently, especially with Piltover and Zaun at war. The cast has less reason to hold back and season 2’s tone looks incredibly moody, indicating we may see a more ruthless side to the central characters. Therefore, the series should give the majority of its legends a chance to show off their true power, as they are unlikely to get another chance.

6 Warwick’s Origins & True Identity Have To Be Explained

Arcane Needs To Confirm If Vander Is Warwick & How The Creature Was Created

Custom image of Vander in Arcane and Warwick in League of Legends.
Custom Image by Angelica Sarah V. Jimenez.

With Warwick all but confirmed to be a part of Arcane season 2, the series has to clear up his true identity. Warwick is a werewolf-like monster from League of Legends who was created through a series of agonizingly painful experiments, and the show appears to have added a surprising twist to his origins. League of Legends lore explains that Warwick hunts the streets of Zaun after being transformed into this terrifying creature, but Arcane season 2 may reveal that Vander is actually Warwick based on its trailers.

A teaser for season 2 showed a character experimenting on someone who seemed to resemble Vander, with audiences speculating this could be how Warwick was created. Following this teaser, season 2’s official trailers featured a monster that shares a lot of visual similarities to Warwick, indicating he will appear. Therefore, Arcane needs to clarify exactly how Warwick was created and who was involved in the experiment, as it could hold a lot of emotional weight when the character has his teased clash with Vi.

5 Arcane Season 2 Needs To Explain Its “Arcane Is Waking Up” Scene From The Trailer

The Trailer’s Most Interesting Scene Is Filled With Mystery

Characters looking up while glowing in Arcane

One of the biggest reveals from Arcane season 2’s trailer was the “Arcane is waking up” line, which the series has to explain in detail. Although the show’s title feels fitting given its fantasy and magical elements, it seems it has a deeper meaning, as the mysterious line from the trailer was accompanied by visuals of characters glowing, levitating, and almost looking possessed by something, creating a brand-new storyline for the series. While the small snippet is extremely intriguing, it seems like a big piece of lore to throw into the final season.

As a result, Arcane has to make sure it doesn’t leave audiences confused about its new concept, meaning it must fully reveal what the Arcane is and explain its significance. The trailer suggests that the Arcane has incredible power and influence, but it’s still a relatively out-of-the-blue addition unless it’s tied with the hex core. Regardless, it looks like it will be a massive part of the plot and not something that can simply be ignored, proving that season 2 needs to give a detailed explanation of what this scene actually means.

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4 Zaun Must Find A Peaceful Leader

The Community Is Still Suffering From Vander’s Absence

Vi looking at graffiti of Jinx and Vander in Zaun - Arcane season 2

Vander and Silco’s deaths have left Zaun without a leader, and with Jinx being poised as the next figure to lead the city, it’s clear that Zaun requires someone more peaceful. Although it appears other characters are influencing Jinx, the graffiti in the trailer is positioning her as some sort of revolutionary figure for the community, but she isn’t what they need. Jinx’s unhinged and violent nature has only brought war to the city, and given that Piltover is arguably more powerful, things are going to get a lot worse for Zaun before they get better.

Even if Jinx survives the series, it seems unlikely she will be in a position of power by the end of Arcane, highlighting that she isn’t the right fit to take the community forward. While Zaun didn’t always thrive under Vander, he ensured there wasn’t any bloodshed and that the people were mostly safe, something Silco failed to achieve, and Jinx looks like she’ll follow in the latter’s footsteps. Therefore, Arcane season 2 needs to ensure the city has a more pragmatic leader after the war, which will give the city a chance to rebuild properly.

3 Caitlyn & Vi Should Officially Get Together

Caitlyn & Vi Offer Some Light In An Otherwise Dark Show

Custom image of Vi and Caitlyn in Arcane season 2
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Romance may feel like an unlikely part of Arcane given how dark the show is, but Caitlyn and Vi should get together before the season is done. The two began to develop feelings for one another after becoming allies in season 1, but the show never fully pulled the trigger on a relationship. Unfortunately, Caitlyn looks like she will have a much darker story as she attempts to get revenge on Jinx, and Vi also seems like she will be full of rage and heartbreak when the show returns, leaving little time for the two to focus on each other.

Still, despite Vi and Cailtyn’s romantic relationship facing problems in Arcane‘s second season, the series should let them be together. Confessing their feelings and having a tender moment would offer a bit of light during such a bleak storyline, and it would satisfy fans who have been waiting years to see them become official. Having the two form a relationship would also make it all the more heartbreaking if either one were killed off, or if Jinx impacted their feelings for each other, making it crucial that the show fully explores their love story before it concludes.

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2 The Next League Of Legends Show Has To Be Teased

Audiences Need To Know What League Of Legends Story Will Come After Arcane

Close up of Heimerdinger holding an object in his hand - Arcane

While there is no official confirmation that another League of Legends series is on the way, Arcane‘s creators indicated that more shows could take place in the world of Runeterra in the future. Therefore, Arcane season 2 should tease the next League of Legends project, regardless of whether anything has been greenlit or not. Characters from Arcane could begin setting up a new story that they would appear in, or a post-credit scene could introduce video game characters that weren’t in the show, providing Runeterra a televised future.

Naturally, wrapping up the main storylines in season 2 will be the priority, but there is definitely space to include a teaser for a new show. Even if it takes years for a new League of Legends project to happen, having a small hint towards another series would create a lot of buzz around Arcane‘s ending and keep fans interested in the franchise overall. For that reason, it’s pivotal that Arcane season 2 doesn’t waste the chance to continue its animated universe, indicating that a fresh series needs to be teased before the show concludes.

1 Jinx & Vi Must Finally Settle Their Differences

The Sisters’ Feud Has Been The Most Important Story In Arcane

Jinx and Vi looking angry and ready to come to blows in Arcane Season 2

Arcane‘s most important story has been the rift between Jinx and Vi, proving their conflict has to be resolved in season 2. Watching the sisters’ relationship slowly fall apart has been grueling, as the two used to be incredibly close and now find themselves on opposite sides of Arcane‘s war. Although their relationship seemed like it might still be able to be repaired towards the end of season 1, Jinx’s attack on Piltover did irreparable damage, setting up an inevitable battle between the duo in the final installment.

While Jinx and Vi’s heartbreaking Arcane season 2 story looks destined to end in tears, their differences have to be settled one way or another. The trailers already confirmed they will do battle at some point, and it may take someone to die to finally put an end to their feud. Likewise, the show could opt to go for a more wholesome ending by having them forgive one another, but this seems optimistic given Arcane‘s tone. Regardless of what happens, the show must prioritize Jinx and Vi’s conflict coming to an end by any means necessary.

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