9 Burning Questions Stormlight Archive Book 5 Must Answer


9 Burning Questions Stormlight Archive Book 5 Must Answer

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9 Burning Questions Stormlight Archive Book 5 Must Answer

SPOILERS for The Stormlight Archive through Rhythm of War and some Mistborn spoilers from The Lost Metal


  • Wind and Truth may conclude the first arc in The Stormlight Archive, answering long-standing mysteries.
  • Taravangian’s plan with Odium poses a significant threat, potentially circumventing the Contest of Champions.
  • Cultivation’s role, Deadeyes restoration, Ghostbloods’ schemes, and Honor’s reforging are key questions for book 5.

Mistborn author Brandon Sanderson’s next book is Wind and Truth, the fifth volume in The Stormlight Archive series, and there are some burning questions it will be expected to answer. The release of Wind and Truth in December 2024 is particularly exciting, as it will conclude the first of two arcs in The Stormlight Archive, which began in 2010 with The Way of Kings. After that, there will be five more volumes, though they’ll pick up after a time jump, similarly to the multiple eras of Mistborn.

With that in mind, Wind and Truth may not be the last book in the entire series, but it should provide closure for several character arcs and mysteries established throughout the series. Each book in The Stormlight Archive has only added more questions as it’s expanded upon the vast, incredibly detailed world Sanderson has created, with some questions still lingering for multiple volumes. Not to mention, The Stormlight Archive is part of the grander Cosmere book universe, so some questions have tied into the series’ role in the much larger saga.

9 What’s The Deal With Shallan’s Family?

Shallan’s Mother Could Be A Herald

Fan art by zoethatcher_art

Like the other characters in The Stormlight Archive, Shallan is haunted by her troubled past. However, unlike Kaladin and Dalinar, Shallan’s family aren’t significant characters in the saga and are primarily seen in her flashbacks in Words of Radiance. There are still plenty of questions surrounding Shallan’s past, including the common Wind and Truth theory that Shallan’s mother is the Herald Chanarach.

The going theory about Chanarach is that her mother tried to kill her after discovering Shallan was a Surgebinder, indicating she might be a Herald. Not to mention, the art of Chanarach on Rhythm of War’s back cover bears some resemblance. Beyond just the missing mother, there are still questions remaining regarding the Ghostbloods’ connection to House Davar, specifically surrounding Shallan’s father. As for Shallan herself, many of the remaining mysteries surround her two spren: Pattern and Testament.

8 What Is Taravangian’s Plan?

Taravangian & Odium Have A Plan To Win No Matter What

Fan art by stinkypanda

After passing as a simple, well-meaning king in The Way of Kings, Taravangian has quickly become one of Cosmere’s most complex, fascinating villains. His ongoing debate with Dalinar about the virtues of utilitarianism makes for some of the best dialogue scenes in the series, and the ending of Rhythm of War saw his dynamic shift entirely as he became the vessel for Odium. After Odium agreed to the Contest of Champions with Dalinar, Taravangian noticed a loophole when he took on the Shard.

“There was so much to do. He sorted through Odium’s previous plans and saw all their flaws. How had he let himself be maneuvered into this particular deal with Dalinar? How had he let himself rely so much upon a contest of champions? Didn’t he know? The way to win was to make sure that, no matter the outcome, you were satisfied. Odium should never have entered a deal he could not absolutely control.”

Taravangian-Odium seems to have a way to circumvent the contest of champions so that either outcome will prove beneficial. This is a terrifying thought going into the next book, leading many readers to theorize about what Taravangian realized. Many have suggested that Taravangian has found a trick in who will be selected as Odium’s champion, but there certainly could be even more to it than that.

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7 What Is Cultivation’s Goal?

Is Cultivation With Or Against Odium?

Cultivation in The Stormlight Archive
Fan art by Stormlys

Cultivation is one of the Shards on Roshar, with her broader goal being to see change in some form. However, in the specific context of The Stormlight Archive and the system’s current events, that doesn’t exactly imply what side she’s on, if any. She’s played a hand in events so far with Taravangian, Dalinar, and Lift, but it’s unclear what it all adds up to and what role she’ll play in Wind and Truth.

Cultivation had a clear disdain for Odium’s previous vessel, Rayse, for his role in killing her lover, Honor. After this event, she seemingly lost interest in humanity, though Brandon Sanderson has specified that she’s not in hiding; she’s planning from a distance (via Arcanum). Still, she was instrumental in making Taravangian Odium’s new vessel, which could pose even more of a threat. This begs the question of where she stands in the coming conflict and what her plotting has been for.


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6 Can Deadeyes Be Restored? (Like Maya)

Adolin’s Bond With Maya Continues To Grow

Adolin Kholin in The Stormlight Archive
Fan art by Aili Art

Adolin Kholin has remained one of The Stormlight Archive’s most compelling characters, as while practically everyone around him has turned into an ultra-powered Radiant, he remains human. Throughout Rhythm of War, in particular, Adolin grows closer to his deadeye Shardblade, Mayalaran, in a profound way that’s led to many theories about her eventual return and his finally becoming a Radiant. But Maya’s return could also imply a broader effect.

Deadeye are spren who were previously bonded to a Surgebinder who broke their oaths. However, they only become a Shardblade if that Surgebinder had sworn a certain number of oaths. It’s a painful process for the spren either way; hence the resentment spren in Shadesmar have for humanity. Maya seems to be more conscious than other Deadeyes, having formed an affection for Adolin due to their close bond.

5 What Is The End Goal Of The Ghostbloods?

The Ghostbloods Have Revealed Some Of Their Schemes, But How Does It All Add Up?

Kelsier art from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series

The Ghostbloods have been The Stormlight Archive’s biggest connection to Mistborn so far, as it’s now confirmed that their leader, Thaidakar, is Kelsier from the original Mistborn novel. Given information from Mraize in Rhythm of War and from Kelsier in The Lost Metal, there are some conclusions that can be drawn, but nothing that paints a complete picture. As of now, their two primary goals are to transfer Stormlight off of Roshar and to imprison Heralds for information.

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As for the Heralds, Thaidakar is a Cognitive Shadow like them, and he hopes to capture Kalak for more information

Stormlight is a form of Investiture, which is a term for the power source across the Cosmere that composes each magic system. For their thriving organization, it makes sense that they’d be interested in acquiring it for power and wealth, but there might be something more specific. As for the Heralds, Thaidakar is a Cognitive Shadow like them, and he hopes to capture Kalak for more information. Their mission will likely continue into the next Mistborn books, but their goals on Roshar could have some closure in Wind and Truth.


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4 Will Honor Be Reforged?

Dalinar Is The Most Likely Candidate To Reforge The Splintered Shard

Dalinar Kholin in The Stormlight Archive
Fan art by @Alesilvart

Honor is one of the sixteen Shards of the Cosmere but was killed by Odium and Splintered. In keeping with the Mistborn series, it seems possible that one of the main characters would become the vessel to a Shard, with the common theory being that Dalinar will use his Bondsmith powers to put Honor back together. Honor is composed of Investiture, meaning it can never really die. Its components are just separated, and it would require incredible power to reassemble it.

Aside from Dalinar, many have also proposed the idea that Kaladin could become Honor’s vessel, which would be foreshadowed by the “Honor is dead, but I’ll see what I can do” quote from Words of Radiance. This would require some extra steps, with Kaladin not being able to reform the Shard himself. It seems more likely that it would be Dalinar, as while Kaladin embodies the idea of honor, a more fitting ending for him would be to retain his humanity. Kaladin still has a lot of growth to be done, while Dalinar already reckoned with his past in Oathbringer.

3 What Happened To Wit At The End Of RoW?

The Shocking Rhythm of War Epilogue Poses A Lot Of Questions

Jasnah and Wit in The Stormlight Archive
Fan art by @lamaery

After Taravangian becomes Odium, the final scene in Rhythm of War’s epilogue becomes one of the most shocking moments in Brandon Sanderson’s entire universe. It’s a truly mind-blowing scene with a ton to analyze. Wit keeps his memories in Breaths, a form of Investiture from the novel Warbreaker, and Taravangian destroys these, erasing parts of his memory. It’s one of the few times Wit, or Hoid, has been beaten in any capacity.

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Wit is another Cosmere character whose long-term plans aren’t entirely clear

Like the Ghostbloods, Wit is another Cosmere character whose long-term plans aren’t entirely clear, with many theorizing that he could be the franchise’s main villain. While the question of his master scheme likely won’t be answered in Wind and Truth, it at least seems vital to know how the events of the Rhythm of War epilogue will affect him. Some have even theorized that he’s still somehow one step ahead of Taravangian.

2 Where Are The Other Heralds?

There Are Still Heralds Unaccounted For

The Heralds in The Stormlight Archive
Fan art by artofkatiepayne

The different volumes of The Stormlight Archive have introduced audiences to six of the ten Heralds, or at least six that can be confirmed. Nale has been fighting with the Voidbringers and was last seen in Rhythm of War. Shalash and Talenel are held by Jasnah and have been used by her and Dalinar for questioning. Ishar rules in Tukar, Kalak was seen in Shadesmar with Adolin and Shallan, and Jezrien was killed in Oathbringer by Moash.

That leaves four Heralds unaccounted for. Battar has been mentioned many times by Taravangian and has allegedly been involved with the Diagram. However, the other three, Chanarach, Vedel, and Pailiah, are still unaccounted for, and their whereabouts have been left up to theorization. Given that there are still six volumes in The Stormlight Archive to go, it’s not guaranteed they’ll all be revealed in Wind and Truth.


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1 Who Is The Ghostblood Agent In Dalinar’s Circle?

Someone Killed Ialai Sadeas And Hasn’t Fessed Up

Brandon Sanderson's Rhythm of War cover
RHYTHM OF WAR by Michael Whelan

Early in Rhythm of War, the book poses a new mystery as Ialai Sadeas is murdered. This is revealed to be a member of the Ghostbloods who’s infiltrated Dalinar’s inner circle, begging questions about who would betray him and who would have something to gain by providing information to the organization. It’s not clear how compact the inner circle they’re referring to is, as there are layers to Dalinar’s trust. It’s not likely to be Navani or Kaladin, but it could be someone on the lower level of his circle, like Sabariel.

An alternative theory that’s been proposed is that Shallan herself is the spy and that she’s been carrying out tasks for the Ghostbloods in a form she doesn’t know about. There are hints that Shallan isn’t fully in control of her personas, even at a subconscious level, and she’s the only person who’s really even knowledgeable of the Ghostbloods outside of Jasnah. Shallan could seem too obvious, and maybe Sanderson has a masterful twist planned that no one is expecting.

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