I’ve run throughout my entire pregnancy and feel better for it


I’ve run throughout my entire pregnancy and feel better for it

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I’ve run throughout my entire pregnancy and feel better for it

I’m obsessed with parkrun and I’m trying to complete 100 different ones by the end of 2024 (Picture: Lydia Wilgress)

Pulling up in a taxi to a tiny park an hour outside of Gdańsk, Poland, a smile crossed my face.

Not only was I staring at the world’s largest castle as the first snowflakes of the morning started to fall, but I could also see a familiar purple and orange sign.

That sign signalled that I had made it to the start of the Zamek w Malborku parkrun and I was feeling excited. 

After being founded in the UK, parkrun is a free, weekly 5km event that now takes place all over the world.

And while I have attended plenty within running distance of my house, travelling nearly 1,000 miles on this occasion was necessary for two reasons.

Firstly, completing the one lap course that cold January morning allowed me to finish my ‘parkrun alphabet’ – an unofficial challenge where participants try to complete a parkrun at a place starting with every letter of the alphabet.

Unsurprisingly, the Zs were particularly elusive and, to date, there are none in the UK, so I’d had no choice but to venture further afield than south east London, where my home parkruns include Bromley, Beckenham Place Park and Crystal Palace. 

Crucially though, it also allowed me to tick off a new location. 

She found out she was pregnant after experiencing an elevated heart rate during a parkrun (Picture: Lydia Wilgress)

You see, I’m obsessed with parkrun and I’m trying to complete 100 different ones by the end of 2024.

When I initially set that goal, it seemed eminently doable. And then I found out I was pregnant.

I was running at location number 79 – a beautiful rural course at Parke in south Devon  – when I started to feel weird. 

Hills suddenly felt inexplicably hard and my heart rate was through the roof. ‘Massively elevated heart rate,’ I wrote quizzically in my notes on Strava. 

Initially, I put it down to too much Christmas cheer, but a week later I still felt the same, so I tested for COVID-19 thinking I must have picked up a virus.

After everything came back negative, it finally dawned on me. And five days later, we were overjoyed to find out that I was pregnant.

This wasn’t an issue at first as I found I could still run slowly. But as the nausea and sickness hit I found travelling to different locations harder and finished my first trimester on location 83. 

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My second trimester has been easier as the sickness subsided. But now I’m at 28 weeks, lots of people have suggested that I ought to stop running or, at least, take the pressure off.

Live your best life with Metro’s parkrun partnership

This year Metro has partnered with the iconic charity parkrun to bring you a thriving new content series.

In a coming together of two game-changing powerhouses, Metro has been chosen as the first official media partner for parkrun as it celebrates its 20th birthday in 2024.

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It’s not just for the runners, though – it’s for everyone.

Come with us as we embark on a series of boundary-pushing wellbeing content designed to elevate and champion, but also to support mental health and societal cohesion. Whether you run, walk, jog or strut…

Read the stories of those who have found their calling, their community or had their lives changed through the simple act of lacing up their trainers (not that you have to do parkrun in trainers…as we’ll show you later on).

Get ready to be empowered, inspired, and energised!

Register for parkrun here. The best part is that it’s free and you only need to register once.

I disagree. While everyone experiences pregnancy differently, running has been critical for my mental and physical health for years and that’s no different now. 

When I was in my mid-twenties, I realised my ‘dream job’ as a news editor was more of a nightmare. I was avoiding social situations, my health declined, and I spent months, if not years, feeling like a failure when I eventually quit.

While the support of friends and family was crucial, so was parkrun – it helped me out of one of the worst periods of mental health I have ever experienced.

I loved the quiet calm of walking to a nearby park and seeing others doing the same. The knowledge that it would be there every Saturday and I wouldn’t be judged for what I looked like, or how fast I ran or walked, was invaluable.

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On the days where I was struggling, I could put my headphones in and not speak to anyone. There was a comfort in seeing familiar faces and to know it was somewhere I could be myself.

She ran in a Santa suit on Christmas Day (Picture: Lydia Wilgress)

As things got better, parkrun remained a staple part of my week. And slowly, my obsession grew. I started volunteering, sorting tokens after events or marshalling so I could cheer others on.

The alphabet challenge took me more than seven months to complete, with social plans carefully orchestrated so I didn’t miss a letter. My best friend was dragged on an overnight trip to York, while I got up at 6am one week to make it to Jersey Farm in Hertfordshire.

On Christmas Day last year, my husband and I got up early to drive to a local cyclopark so I could run three laps in a Santa suit and some tatty tinsel.

All this is to say that, when I discovered I was pregnant, there was never a question about whether or not to continue.  

I was initially anxious about what pregnancy meant in terms of being able to exercise. But the NHS has really clear guidance, which says that you can keep up your ‘normal daily physical activity or exercise’ including running – as long as you are careful.

More about Lydia

You can follow Lydia’s running journey on Instagram @lydiagoesrunning

‘Exercise is not dangerous for your baby,’ it adds. ‘There is evidence that active women are less likely to experience problems in later pregnancy and labour.’

To be safe, I consulted a physiotherapist who guided me through some pelvic floor exercises, and I used my smartwatch to keep an eye on my heart rate. I also paid attention to the guidance that reminds you that you may need to slow down and should be able to hold a conversation.

Admittedly, some weeks I’ve felt too exhausted or sick to run but on the whole I haven’t let it put me off getting outside and moving when I can.

Since finding out, I’ve done 23 parkruns and visited 13 new locations from Malling to Milton Keynes, Edinburgh to Amsterdam, which span universities, woods and National Trust properties

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Though, probably my favourite location to date has been Wollaton Hall parkrun in Nottingham – a pretty one lap course that features a lake, trail paths and even some deer. 

Lydia is doing a ‘parkrun alphabet’ (Picture: Lydia Wilgress)

A couple of weeks ago, I hit 92 locations. The end now feels in sight and I am determined to do it before my due date if I can. 

This means I need to go to a new location almost every week – I plan to squeeze them in before birthday parties, weddings and our baby shower – and the only real difference these days, aside from walking up steeper hills, is needing to know where the toilets are on route!

My friends often laugh at me when I tell them about my latest parkrun plans. I’m not sure my family fully understand why I can’t even take a day off at Christmas. 

But for me, parkrun is so much more than a place to run; it’s a place of positivity and community. It gives me space to take a step back from an otherwise busy life and appreciate the small things.

As this is our first baby, there is a lot I don’t know about what will happen next. But I can guarantee one thing; I’m confident parkrun will help me through the hardest times. And, when the time is right, I can’t wait to introduce our newest addition to the parkrun family.

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