Mr. Miyagi’s 30 Most Wise & Inspiring Quotes


Mr. Miyagi’s 30 Most Wise & Inspiring Quotes

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Mr. Miyagi’s 30 Most Wise & Inspiring Quotes


  • Balance is key to success in life, according to Mr. Miyagi’s wisdom in
    The Karate Kid
  • Mr. Miyagi’s quotes teach valuable life lessons beyond just karate, focusing on balance and growth.
  • The Karate Kid
    series showcases the importance of finding inner strength and maintaining balance.

The Karate Kid is a film that remains one of the most beloved classic martial arts movies, thanks largely to the wisdom of Mr. Miyagi’s quotes. After fleeing Okinawa for the United States, Miyagi meets Daniel LaRusso, a young boy tormented by bullies at his local high school. Throughout TheKarate Kid film series, Mr. Miyagi’s outlook on life in his thoughtful quotes wholly sums up his character. This is wisdom for the ages, centered around finding balance in life and striving to maintain it despite hardships.

Mr. Miyagi might not be present in the Cobra Kai sequel series, but there are enough Mr. Miyagi quotes to last a lifetime from the first three Karate Kid films. Miyagi is a humble philosopher and a man of peace. When Daniel nears the precipice, Mr. Miyagi draws him back and sets him on the right path. He had dating advice, dealing with parents, schoolwork, and the framework needed to create a stable foundation for a person’s life. So many of the best Karate Kid quotes are courtesy of Daniel’s sensei.

The Karate Kid
is available to stream on the Starz Apple TV channel.


10 Most Terrifying Things That Happened In The Karate Kid Movies

The Karate Kid trilogy is full of moments that are better suited to an adult audience than to children. Here are a few of the most terrifying scenes.

30 “Wax On, Wax Off”

The Karate Kid

The Mr Miyagi quote “Wax On, Wax Off” became a joke for many years. Long before memes were a thing, kids would repeat this quote when talking about karate or other things they needed to train for. It was almost used as a joke in The Karate Kid because it seemed like Mr. Miyagi was just using Daniel to get household chores done, and in this case, it was about waxing the Sensai’s car. However, there was a lot more to the quote than a joke about cleaning his car.

Daniel might have assumed he was being abused, but this was a needed lesson.

This quote is all about teaching Daniel discipline, muscle memory, and hand movements. It is these three things that Daniel needs to master if he ever wants to master the art of karate. By letting his muscles learn the repetition of the waxing on and waxing off while working on the car, he soon finds it easier to do so when it comes to his karate self-defense lessons. Daniel might have assumed he was being abused, but this was a needed lesson for him to learn.

29 “One Day, You Do Own Way”

The Karate Kid

Mr Miyagi agrees to teach Daniel-1

Mr. Miyagi saw that Daniel was hard-headed and wanted to do things his own way more than once. He knew that Daniel would soon do things differently than how he taught him. However, his entire focus was making sure that Daniel understood right from wrong and good from bad when it came to karate. As long as Mr. Miyagi taught him the basics and the morals involved, he trusted that Daniel would do the right thing, even when changing rules along the way.

This quote shows that Mr. Miyagi knows that Daniel will one day have to do things differently, and he is okay with that. It happened in The Karate Kid: Part 3, when Daniel first went to Terry Silver but then realized the error of his ways thanks to Mr. Miyagi’s teachings. It also happened in Cobra Kai when he teamed up with Johnny to create a new dojo, and he even had a flashback scene in which he remembered this exact motivational quote by Mr. Miyagi.

28 “Don’t Know. Never Been Attacked by Tree”

The Karate Kid Part III

Daniel sits and talks to Mr Miyagi

Sometimes, the most inspirational Mr. Miyagi quotes sound like he is telling a joke. However, in many of these instances, Mr. Miyagi is serious, but knows that he is also being a little snide when remarking on whatever it is that is on his mind. This happens in The Karate Kid Part III when Daniel goes to Japan with his Sensai and sees a lot of people who take karate a lot more seriously than even his beloved Sensai. Daniel then sees an advertisement where Sato breaks a block of wood in half.

Anyone who has watched karate competitions in movies has often seen that it is a big deal to use a chop to break a piece of wood in half. It is a show of strength. Mr. Miyagi doesn’t care about that aspect of karate at all because it means nothing regarding his discipline. When Daniel asks if Mr. Miyagi can break a piece of wood in half with a chop, he delivers this sarcastic and poignant line. Ultimately, he doesn’t see any purpose in showing off that show of strength, and it means nothing to him.

27 “Hope Confusion End Soon, Daniel-San. Miyagi Heart Empty Without You”

The Karate Kid Part III

Mr Miyagi looking at Daniel

Daniel was lost in The Karate Kid: Part III. He had learned so much from Mr. Miyagi, but his character really took a step backward in this movie when he decided he would seek training from Terry Silver, who turned out to be even worse than John Kreese. Mr. Miyagi knew that he had to let Daniel make his own mistakes, and he was willing to step back and be there for his student when things got too rough. However, this quote was heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time.

He knew Daniel was facing confusion in his head and his heart

Mr. Miyagi admitted that he knew Daniel was facing confusion in his head and his heart. However, this quote is poignant because Mr. Miyagi never had a child of his own and almost looked at Daniel as his son by this time. He had to let go and see Daniel fail, and he let his student know that his heart is empty when Daniel is not there. It is a nice statement and sentiment and shows that he will always be there when Daniel needs a helping hand.

26 “Just Remember, License Never Replace Eye, Ear, And Brain”

The Karate Kid

Daniel goes to the car in Karate Kid

In the first Karate Kid movie, Mr. Miyagi focuses a lot on teaching Daniel the discipline of karate and martial arts. However, Mr. Miyagi also wants to teach Daniel things about life. He made sure that Daniel knew he had to get out in the world and meet people his own age, make friends, maybe find love, and not just hide away from the bullies and danger in his life. However, he also wanted to make sure that Daniel knew how to take care of himself and remain safe and protected.

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This quote came after Daniel got his driver’s license and was ready to drive, and Mr. Miyagi made sure that Daniel had a car that would get him where he needed to go but had some advice on the way out. This is a very educational quote as well, as Mr. Miyagi explains that getting a license does not mean he knows everything. He still has to use his eyes, ears, and brain to make the right decisions. This is also applied to his karate tournament later in the movie. Making it there doesn’t mean the battle is over.

25 “Balance Good, Karate Good, Everything Good. Balance Bad, Better Pack Up And Go Home.”

The Karate Kid

Mr. Miyagi's teaches Daniel about balance in Karate Kid.

Daniel is struggling early on with his karate training in the first Karate Kid movie. He doesn’t feel good enough and wonders if all the training in the world will help him. Mr. Miyagi sees this and sets out to give him some words of wisdom. Miyagi explains to Daniel that he needs to find a balance in his life, in his training, and in everything that he sets out to do. Without balance, Daniel would never succeed in anything — much less karate.

However, even with all the fight experience, Daniel might as give up karate for good if he can’t find balance in life.

Mr. Miyagi bends down to talk to Daniel, sitting in his car. He explains the lessons are important because they teach balance. He said that when Daniel learns balance, everything will be good, and he will understand karate better than just learning to punch and kick without understanding. However, even with all the fight experience, Daniel might as give up karate for good if he can’t find balance in life.

24 “You’re Pretty Okay Too”

The Karate Kid

Mr Miyagi talking to Daniel.

Not all the best Mr. Miyagi quotes are words of wisdom or advice. Sometimes, he is just funny and his humor can often come from nowhere. Daniel is growing and getting to understand Miyagi and karate better. He finally has someone looking out for him and taking care of him. With this treatment, Daniel feels something he hasn’t felt before, not even before this move to a strange town with violence around every corner.

It is clear Miyagi cares deeply about Daniel, and this response shows his respect for his protégé.

While training with Mr. Miyagi, Daniel thanks him for all the help. Then, Daniel lets his guard down and shares an emotional moment with his sensei, where he tells Mr. Miyagi that he is the best friend he has ever had. Miyagi shows pride when Daniel says this, but he also knows he needs to lighten the mood, so he delivers this perfectly said one-liner. Miyagi cares deeply about Daniel, and this response shows his respect for his protégé.

23 “Lie Only Become Truth If Person Wants To Believe It”

The Karate Kid Part II

Mr Miyagi looks at Daniel and Chozen insults him.

In the second Karate Kid movie, Daniel learns that Mr. Miyagi left Japan rather than fight a man named Sato when both men loved the same woman. Sato challenged Miyagi to a fight to the death, and he refused and left. However, when Miyagi returned to be with his father before his death, Sato and his nephew Chozen. Sato demands the fight happen now that Miyagi has returned, and he still refuses to fight.

Miyagi knows how revenge can damage a soul, and he knows the lies for Sato have been corrupted until he believes them without fail.

This leads Chozen to say that Mr. Miyagi is a coward. Miyagi refuses to allow the brash youngster to bait him with insults. Miyagi admits he doesn’t want to fight, and it is not cowardice. However, he also explains a lie will become truth if a person believes it enough, which is what has corrupted Sato for all these years. Miyagi knows how revenge can damage a soul, and he knows the lies for Sato have been corrupted until he believes them without fail.

22 “Waah, Waah”

The Karate Kid Part III

Mr Miyaki mocking Terry Silver in Karate Kid III.

Sometimes, the best Mr. Miyagi quotes aren’t words of wisdom at all. When the time for wisdom has passed, Miyagi can also deliver some incredibly deep verbal burns to those who wrong him. This happened in the second Karate Kid movie, which starts with Daniel and Miyagi leaving the tournament. Kreese attacks Johnny after losing and Miyagi comes to his rescue. Miyagi lets Kreese injure himself and when Kreese is down, Miyagi fakes a death punch, only to boop his nose.

Miyagi easily takes down Kreese and Barnes before fighting Silver.

In Karate Kid III, Miyagi and Kreese meet up again when Terry Silver shows up to help him gain revenge. Miyagi shows up when Kreese, Silver, and student Barnes attack Daniel. Miyagi easily takes down Kreese and Barnes before fighting Silver. As they fight, Silver mocks Miyagi and karate by using insulting “Waah” sounds while posing in his fighting form. After Miyagi beats Silver in the fight, he stands over Silver and responds with the same mocking “Waah” sounds and hand movements.


5 Reasons Mr. Miyagi Would Be Proud Of Daniel (& 5 Reasons Why He Would Be Disappointed)

Cobra Kai’s Daniel works hard to keep the legacy of Mr. Miyagi alive and make him proud, but he is not without his shortcomings and makes mistakes.

21 “Just Remember True Strength Come From Inside”

The Next Karate Kid

Mr. Miyagi talking to Juliein The Next Karate Kid

While The Next Karate Kid was the lowest-rated of the original franchise movies, it still features some great Mr. Miyagi quotes and moments. The sensei taught the entire series not to fight unless in self-defense. In this movie, a group of violent martial artists known as Alpha Elite was almost worse than Cobra Kai when it came to violence and the evil side of karate. In the end, they attack and beat up Julie’s boyfriend, Eric, and start a fight at the docks.

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Mr. Miyagi then beat the leader of Alpha Elite and admitted that fighting isn’t good, but if you must fight, then win.

Julie Pierce is finally ready to fight back, and while Miyagi disapproves, he realizes she has to stand up for herself and stop her tormentors once and for all. Ned challenges Julie to fight on the spot and Miyagi finally agrees it is time for her to fight, but reminds her that it is all about reaching within and finding the strength to win. Julie used his advice and won the fight. Mr. Miyagi then beat the leader of Alpha Elite and admitted that fighting isn’t good, but if you must fight, then win.

20 “If Come From Inside You, Always Right One.”

The Karate Kid

Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel how to prune Bonsai trees in The Karate Kid

Mr. Miyagi’s first life lesson to Daniel comes in The Karate Kid when the directionless teen goes to thank the wise Karate master for repairing his bicycle. Mr. Miyagi invites him inside to show him how to trim Bonsai trees, hoping to capitalize on his curiosity to boost his self-confidence. Right off the bat, Daniel doubts himself and is prepared to quit before he even tries. Miyagi tells him to focus within and trust himself.

It is his way of saying that Daniel needs to be happy with himself, before expecting acceptance from anyone else.

When Daniel asks how he knows the Bonsai tree image in his head is correct, Mr. Miyagi replies with this Karate Kid quote. It is his way of saying that Daniel needs to be happy with himself, before expecting acceptance from anyone else. It took Mr. Miyagoi a lot of work and time, but it was quotes like this that finally helped Daniel realize that he was good enough and he just needed to believe in himself as much as his sensai believes in him.

19 “You Trust The Quality Of What You Know, Not Quantity.”

The Karate Kid

Daniel and Mr. Miyagi at the All Valley Karate tournament in The Karate Kid

Daniel constantly worries about not learning enough, but Mr. Miyagi reminds him to exercise patience. Patience is not always a virtue for Daniel. It is more important for him to learn the philosophy behind martial arts, not simply how to punch and kick well. At first, he didn’t understand that. The biggest problem with the Cobra Kai students is that it was all about fighting hard. Mr. Miyagi had to convince Daniel that it was about much more than that if he wanted to succeed.

Mr. Miyagi’s quote and teachings about patience eventually get through to Daniel, since he uses the same philosophy when teaching his daughter in
Cobra Kai

In the first Karate Kid film, Daniel worries about facing off against the stronger opponent, Johnny. However, Mr. Miyagi reminds him that he excels beyond just technique and that all he needs is to trust his teachings, particularly the philosophy of karate. Mr. Miyagi’s quote and teachings about patience eventually get through to Daniel, since he uses the same philosophy when teaching his daughter in Cobra Kai.

18 “One-To-One Problem, Yes. Five-To-One Problem, Too Much Ask Anyone.”

The Karate Kid

Miyagi confronts John Kreese in The Karate Kid

Mr. Miyagi knows fighting isn’t like the movies. Even the best of the best gets overwhelmed by too many opponents. It is important to exercise caution. When Johnny and his friends bully Daniel, he can’t fight back — and it’s not just because of a lack of skill. Eventually, Miyagi agrees to visit Cobra Kai and confront the leader, Kreese, which kicks off one of the Karate Kid franchise’s best rivalries.

A scathing jab at the cowardice of the Cobra Kai bullies.

When asked whether Daniel can take care of himself, Miyagi replies with this Karate Kid quote, which is true and a scathing jab at the cowardice of the Cobra Kai bullies. Daniel frequently fights alone while the Cobra Kai students fight in a pack, leaving Daniel disadvantaged. Mr. Miyagi points out the unfair odds, and this is one of his best quotes that shows that he recognizes the cowardice in Kreese, which is shown if the only way he can fight is with a pack mentality.


Cobra Kai Saved Mr. Miyagi’s Karate Kid Legacy After 30 Years Of Bad Movies

Some of the bad installments of the Karate Kid movies may have tainted Mr. Miyagi’s karate legacy, but Cobra Kai is now saving it 30 years later.

17 “To Make Honey, Young Bee Need Young Flower, Not Old Prune.”

The Karate Kid

Daniel and Mr. Miyagi talking in Karate Kid

This is one of the funniest Mr. Miyagi quotes, as he isn’t afraid of poking fun at himself throughout the franchise. Daniel talks about the Halloween dance, and Mr. Miyagi asks if he plans to go. He says no. He doesn’t want to run into Johnny and the Cobra Kai students. Mr. Miyagi tells him he spends too much time alone, to which Daniel replies he’s not alone because he has him.

Mr. Miyagi knows better and realizes that young kids need each other for social development, great memories, and balance.

Mr. Miyagi knows better and realizes that young kids need each other for social development, great memories, and balance. Daniel might love his company, but Mr. Miyagi knows Daniel has to live his life with his contemporaries as well. He also knows that Daniel can’t keep hiding because he is scared. He needs to get out there and show that he won’t let the bullies push him into a corner. Also, it is a nice line because Mr. Miyagi hints that he knows Daniel needs to meet and connect with other people.

The Karate Kid Part III

Daniel burns his tournament invitation in The Karate Kid III

Most of the third Karate Kid movie sees Daniel wanting to defend his All Valley title without support from Mr. Miyagi, who doesn’t believe in fighting for a trophy. The first movie sees Daniel learn to protect himself and stand up to his bullies, but the young protégé quickly loses focus and instead becomes obsessed with competition. Mr. Miyagi tries to tell him the trophy isn’t important and tries to persuade him not to be goaded into a fight — a lesson Daniel ignores to his detriment.

Mr. Miyagi’s teaching about the trophy’s lack of importance differs in the Cobra Kai series. The All Valley trophy symbolizes one teaching style’s importance over another. Winning the tournament becomes a way for Cobra Kai’s corrupt senseis to spread their philosophy, and the series is about a way to defeat corrupt leaders. Mr. Miyagi understands the trophy represents stopping a vicious cycle, but the trophy itself isn’t important beyond this.

15 “First Learn Stand, Then Learn Fly. Nature Rule, Daniel-san, Not Mine.”

The Karate Kid

Mr. Miyagi prepares to train Daniel in The Karate Kid

Impatience is a sign of youth, and Daniel is more concerned with learning how to stand up to his bullies, rather than learning why. This comes into practice during his training, when Daniel wants to learn powerful karate moves as soon as possible, instead of taking the straight and narrow path and mastering the fundamentals first. This Mr. Miyagi quote reminds Daniel that nobody can fly unless they first learn how to stand.

Like all of Miyagi’s thought-provoking quotes in the
Karate Kid
movies, this wisdom draws on basic notions of reality and the natural world.

Similarly, a baby cannot run before it learns how to walk. Like all of Miyagi’s thought-provoking quotes in the Karate Kid movies, this wisdom draws on basic notions of reality and the natural world. Of course, Daniel can’t rush in and hope to succeed, much less win a fight with people who have been trained to hurt people. He has to train. He has to learn. That all takes hard work and time, and Mr. Miyagi needs Daniel to understand that above all.

14 “Man Who Catch Fly With Chopstick, Accomplish Anything.”

The Karate Kid

Miyagi tries to catch a fly with chopsticks in The Karate Kid

One of Mr. Miyagi’s hobbies seems to revolve around his obsession with using a pair of chopsticks to catch a housefly. Such a feat is especially challenging, as houseflies are notoriously fast. Yet Miyagi has tried for years to perfect this technique. He keeps working at it and won’t give up because, as Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel, there is no victory for a person who doesn’t keep working, fighting, and training. This is an example that he teaches based on his own personal experience.

The look on Miyagi’s face says it all, though he also sees a budding potential in Daniel.

When Daniel asks why he spends time on the pursuit, he replies with this Karate Kid quote, before following up with one of Mr Miyagi’s absolute funniest quotes. It is especially maddening that Daniel does it within his first few attempts. The look on Miyagi’s face says it all, though he also sees a budding potential in Daniel. The fact that Daniel succeeds makes this a quote that is not only brilliant but also one that sticks in Daniel’s and Mr. Miyagi’s minds.

Daniel : Wouldn’t a fly swatter be easier?

Miyagi : Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything.

Daniel : Ever catch one?

Miyagi : Not yet.


How Old Mr. Miyagi Was In Karate Kid (& When He Died)

Pat Morita’s Mr. Miyagi served as the old and wise mentor figure in Daniel’s life, but exactly how old was he in the Karate Kid movies?

13 “… Sometimes What Heart Know, Head Forget.”

The Karate Kid Part II

Mr. Miyagi and Daniel walking in Karate Kid 2

Mr. Miyagi understands human nature, and a person’s tendency to forget what is morally right when they overthink to justify their desires. This usually manifests in people’s tendency to rationalize actions others recognize as wrong, immoral, or ill-advised. This rationalization leads people down a rabbit hole of personal troubles — an observation the sensei manages to explain succintly in one of the best Mr. Miyagi quotes from The Karate Kid Part II.

While basing decisions purely on emotion is a rash idea, it is equally foolhardy to allow pragmatism to be the sole deciding factor.

While basing decisions purely on emotion is a rash idea, it is equally foolhardy to allow pragmatism to be the sole deciding factor. Only a balance of facts and feelings leads people down the right path to making good life decisions. In this case, Mr. Miyagi references Sato’s behavior in one of The Karate Kid Part II’s most matter-of-fact quotes in the entire Karate Kid franchise.

12 “Daniel-San, You Look Revenge That Way, You Start By Digging Two Grave.”

The Karate Kid

Daniel LaRusso at Mr. Miyagi's grave in Cobra Kai

Revenge is fueled by rage, ego, and a desire to inflict pain on the person(s) who inflicts pain on others. Miyagi knows the best form of revenge is living well, which forces enemies to re-examine their life’s path. He knows those who pursue revenge, no matter how justified it may seem, face the risk of personal self-destruction. Even in the most extreme cases, revenge rarely leaves a person satisfied.

Revenge leaves those who enact it feeling empty, hollow, and worse off than they started.

On the contrary, revenge leaves those who enact it feeling empty, hollow, and worse off than they started. He certainly gets that idea through to Daniel. Daniel tries to teach the same concept to his students when he starts his dojo in Cobra Kai, and Daniel even uses the same line in season 3 of Cobra Kai when trying to encourage his students not to focus on getting revenge against Cobra Kai students. His students didn’t learn the lesson as quickly as he did though.

11 “When You Feel Life Out Of Focus, Always Return To Basic Of Life.”

The Karate Kid Part II

Miyagi shows Daniel how to breathe in The Karate Kid II

Scientific studies have been done on how breathing affects a person’s stress level (via the University of Michigan Health). Calming the mind, focusing, and taking deep breaths help overcome stressful situations while improving blood pressure, hypertension, and other ailments. This is something Mr. Miyagi didn’t need scientific studies to understand, as evidenced by this poignant quote.

Miyagi brings him back to the basics and follows with a lesson about focus, featuring a hammer and a nail.

Miyagi knows the importance of breathing. This is why he gives Daniel this advice in The Karate Kid, Part II. At the time, Daniel seems headed into trouble, so Miyagi brings him back to the basics and follows with a lesson about focus, featuring a hammer and a nail. Like many of Mr. Miyagi’s quotes and best advice, he uses a natural path to find a connection. This is something that has helped Mr. Miyagi find peace even in hardships, and it is a lesson that he pushes onto Daniel for that reason.

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