The Saga’s 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Uses Of The Force


The Saga’s 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Uses Of The Force

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The Saga’s 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Uses Of The Force


  • Star Wars has introduced plenty of new Force powers and abilities, but some are much better than others.
  • Classic Force powers, like the Jedi Mind Trick, have become popular and beloved for good reason.
  • Abilities like Malacia seem either quite ridiculous or useless against opponents.

There have been countless Force powers introduced throughout the Star Wars franchise, but some have been much more interesting and helpful than others. These abilities are iconic, synonymous with the Force and oftentimes capable of incredible power. However, there are some Force powers, some well known and some obscure, that either have few practical applications or, for some reason or another, caused more problems than they were worth.

The Force has been a fundamental part of the franchise from the very beginning, and because of this there are countless different Force abilities to choose from. Star Wars is always introducing new powers, with more and more being included with each installment in the series. These are among the best and the worst, chosen from across the franchise.


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10 Worst: Force Refresh Is One Of Many Abilities Created For Video Games

Cal Kestis Used This Ability To Recover

There are many different Force powers that were created for video games, but Force Refresh might be one of the most obvious. Using this ability, a Jedi meditates in the Force and revitalizes their energy, allowing them to fight for longer without true rest. This power is notably used by Cal Kestis in Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor, but was seen outside the video games in the novel The High Republic: A Test of Courage.

Aside from healing the player in the games this power appears in, Force Refresh is also used as a sort of checkpoint system. Using it saves the game and allows for players to travel back to that point quickly, saving time on any return trip. Unlike powers such as Force Healing, which also had its time as a video game power, Force Refresh has very few uses and could easily be replaced by other more powerful Force abilities.

9 Best: Telekinesis Is A Staple Of The Star Wars Franchise

It Is The Most Iconic Force Ability In Star Wars

Telekinesis is one of the most iconic Force abilities in all of Star Wars, making an important appearance in every single trilogy. It is the go-to image when viewers think of the Force, so much so that it has become synonymous with it. Whenever someone uses the Force on-screen, nine times out of ten they will use some form of telekinesis.

Not only is telekinesis a versatile ability, but depending on who is using it, the ability can turn very deadly very quickly.

Using this ability, Force-sensitive individuals can not only lift objects, but manipulate them in a variety of different ways. This means that telekinesis also includes things like the dark side ability Force Choke, something that is often used by characters such as Darth Vader. Because of this, not only is telekinesis a versatile ability, but depending on who is using it, the ability can turn very deadly very quickly.

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8 Worst: Force Visions Cause More Problems Than They Solve

These Visions Led To The Downfall Of The Jedi

Appearing throughout the series in characters such as Anakin Skywalker and even Darth Maul, Force Visions are an ability that often seems more random than intentional. Through these visions, the Force will often grant insight into what the future holds for either the Jedi receiving the vision, or sometimes even the galaxy as a whole. Anakin saw the death of his wife, Padmé Amidala, in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, something that only brought him closer to the dark side of the Force as he desperately fought to change the future.

Although it may seem beneficial to know the future, even in bits and pieces, the prequel trilogy showed that visions of the future can be incredibly dangerous. Chancellor Palpatine manipulated Anakin’s visions, leading the charge in a fight against the future that only led him directly towards Padmé’s death. The future is better left unfolding as it will, as these visions are often misleading at best, like when the Jedi were mistaken about the Chosen One prophecy, or detrimental at worst.


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7 Best: Anakin Skywalker Is Proof The Force Can Be Used To Create Life

Anakin Skywalker Was Born Of Shmi Skywalker And The Force

When Anakin Skywalker is introduced in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, it is made very clear by his mother, Shmi Skywalker, that he was born with no father. Instead, Anakin was conceived solely through the power of the Force. Until recently, Anakin was the only character to have been born in this manner, with his impossible conception leaning into the idea of him being the Chosen One spoken of in the Jedi’s prophecy.

This incredibly rare phenomenon is another example of how the Force can be used in a variety of interesting ways. It is more than just the power to move objects, but also the power to create life. It is one of the most amazing abilities in all of Star Wars, partially because of the power that must be required and partially because of the rarity of this happening.

6 Worst: Malacia Involves Making An Opponent Feel Sick

The Force Ability Has Few Practical Applications

Being a lesser known Force power, Malacia has only appeared in sourcebooks and companion pieces to other Star Wars movies and shows. With Malacia, Jedi used their opponent’s energy against them in a way that threw off their balance and destroyed their equilibrium, often inducing nausea as a result. Plo Koon was said to have used this ability, but Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis was a master of Malacia.

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Despite the fact that Malacia could be used to incapacitate some opponents, there are many that it simply would not work on. Droids and cybernetically enhanced characters like Darth Vader would likely not be affected by it, and aside from that, any Force-sensitive combatant would likely have the skills to counter it in one way or another. It comes across as more of a gimmick than anything, making it an interesting but not inherently useful power.

5 Best: The Jedi Mind Trick Is An Iconic But Conflicting Power

Obi-Wan Kenobi Used This Famous Force Ability

The Jedi Mind Trick has been a part of the Star Wars franchise since the very beginning, originating in a famous scene in A New Hope where Obi-Wan Kenobi convinces a pair of stormtroopers that they have not found the droids they’re looking for. It is mostly used to trick the simple-minded and has been used by a variety of different Jedi throughout the years. Obi-Wan, Rey, and even Ezra Bridger have all tried their hand at using the Jedi Mind Trick at one time or another.

Not only is it well known, but it is also incredibly useful for getting out of a tight situation.

Because of how ingrained into the series this ability is, the Jedi Mind Trick has become one of the most recognizable parts of Star Wars. Not only is it well known, but it is also incredibly useful for getting out of a tight situation. Whether escaping a trap, misleading enemies, or even avoiding unwelcome conversations about death sticks, the Jedi Mind Trick can be used in countless different situations.

4 Worst: Focused Rage Was A Needless Edition In Star Wars: Force Arena

It Gave Another Reason For Kylo Ren’s Anger

Before the release of the mobile game Star Wars: Force Arena, Kylo Ren’s anger was a consequence of his past. At this point in time, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was the only sequel movie to have been released, and his past with Luke Skywalker had yet to be revealed. However, it was still clear to see that Kylo Ren’s anger was an unpolished thing, likely stemming from his relationship with his family, as evidenced by his killing of his own father.

However, Star Wars: Force Arena changed this, implying that there was a reason for all of this anger. With his ability Focused Rage, Kylo Ren becomes stronger and more resilient as a result of said rage, making it seem as though there is a reason for his outbursts. This detracts from the original movie by making it all seem calculated, whereas Kylo Ren has always come across as someone struggling to keep himself together.


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3 Best: Force Lightning Is The Emperor’s Unique Dark Side Ability

It’s First Appearance In The Original Trilogy Is Shocking

When The Emperor first used Force Lightning in Return of the Jedi, it came as a complete surprise to viewers. Until then, the Force had never been used in such a way before. Telekinesis and Force ghosts had become well-known aspects of the Force by the time of Return of the Jedi, but never anything so immediately violent. This surprise came again decades later when Rey used Force Lightning in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, teasing the fact that she is related to Darth Sidious.

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Force Lightning is a staple of not only the franchise, but Darth Sidious as a character. It is something so instantly recognizable and honestly very cool, with so much power behind it that the ability always comes as a threat. There are few abilities that are as powerful as the Sith lightning of Darth Sidious, making it that much more important of a Force ability.

2 Worst: Transference Brought Darth Sidious To Yet Another Trilogy

And Overwrote The Redemption Of Anakin Skywalker

Force Lightning wasn’t the only thing that The Rise of Skywalker brought back, however, as the movie used an entirely different Force ability to resurrect the villain Darth Sidious himself. This dark side ability is called Transference, and essentially it is the ability for a Force-sensitive individual to transfer their consciousness into the body of another. This was done by Darth Sidious with the goal of immortality in mind.

In bringing Darth Sidious back, not only did Star Wars simply reuse an old villain as opposed to working with what the sequel trilogy already had, but it also undid the single act that redeemed Anakin Skywalker at the end of Return of the Jedi. Though the ability itself is an interesting one to explore, Darth Sidious was not the correct character to do it with. It is almost as if The Rise of Skywalker completely forgets about Anakin in this instance, erasing what he had done and bringing back Darth Sidious to fight against a new generation of Jedi.

1 Best: The Sequel Trilogy Introduced The Force Dyad

The Force Dyad Is An Interesting And Unique Use Of The Force

The Force Dyad is one of the most compelling abilities of the Force, as it ties two people together no matter how far apart they may be. It was introduced into canon in the sequel trilogy, and in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Rey and Kylo Ren are seen speaking together and even touching, despite the fact that they are light-years away from one another. This Force Dyad can be incredibly useful in combat, allowing the transfer of weapons between one another through their bond.

Not only does this ability make the two of them a completely unexpected and united force in a fight, but it is also one of the most interesting things Star Wars has done with the Force in a long time. It is unique and has emotional weight, tying two characters together in something as powerful as the Force. This makes it one of the greatest Force abilities ever introduced in Star Wars, and hopefully this means the trend of interesting abilities will continue.

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