Apple CarPlay in iOS 18 Beta 7: New Features Revealed


Apple CarPlay in iOS 18 Beta 7: New Features Revealed

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Apple CarPlay in iOS 18 Beta 7: New Features Revealed

Apple has recently released iOS 18 beta 7, a minor update focused on refining existing features and squashing bugs as the official release date approaches. This update brings a host of enhancements to various aspects of the iOS ecosystem, including CarPlay, Apple Music, Siri animations, and app functionalities. While the update may be relatively small in size, around 300 MB, it packs a punch in terms of improving the overall user experience. The video below from HotShotTek gives us a look at the new Apple CarPlay features in the new iOS 18 beta 7.

One of the most notable areas of improvement in iOS 18 beta 7 is CarPlay. Apple has introduced several new features and enhancements to make your driving experience more enjoyable and convenient. When using Apple Music through CarPlay, you will now be greeted with larger album artwork, making it easier to identify and select your favorite tracks at a glance. Additionally, a new timer control feature has been added, allowing you to set timers directly from the CarPlay screen without the need to navigate to your iPhone. This is particularly handy for those moments when you need to keep track of time while on the road. Furthermore, iOS 18 beta 7 introduces weather request animations to CarPlay, providing a more engaging and visually appealing way to check the current weather conditions.

Siri, Apple’s intelligent virtual assistant, has also received significant updates in this beta release. For devices that are not supported by the latest Siri enhancements, the old Siri icon makes a comeback, ensuring compatibility across a wider range of iOS devices. Moreover, Siri now features new animations when handling messages and weather requests, adding a fresh and dynamic touch to your interactions. However, it is important to note that some of the more advanced Siri features may still be limited to newer, supported devices.

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iOS 18 beta 7 also brings improvements to various apps, enhancing their functionality and usability. One notable change is the ability to continue media playback while recording videos with the camera app. This means you can now capture important moments without interrupting your music or podcast playback. Speaking of podcasts, the Podcast app now clearly distinguishes downloaded episodes from those that are yet to be downloaded, making it easier to manage your content and access episodes offline. Voice control, a feature that allows you to navigate your device using voice commands, has also received new icons and commands, expanding its capabilities and making it more intuitive to use.

In terms of accessibility, iOS 18 beta 7 introduces silent mode mirroring, which ensures that your iPhone’s silent mode settings are consistently reflected across all connected devices. This is particularly useful for those who rely on multiple Apple devices and want to maintain a coherent notification experience. Additionally, new color filters have been added to assist users with color blindness, making it easier to distinguish between different elements on the screen. The update also brings enhanced voice control responsiveness, ensuring that your commands are recognized and executed more quickly and accurately.

Overall, iOS 18 beta 7 focuses on improving the general performance and stability of the operating system. Users can expect a more responsive and snappy experience, thanks to the numerous bug fixes and optimizations included in this update. While some of the more advanced features may be limited to newer iPhone models, the update still brings a range of improvements that benefit users across different devices.

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As the official release of iOS 18 draws near, beta 7 serves as a testament to Apple’s commitment to delivering a polished and refined user experience. With enhancements to CarPlay, Siri, app functionalities, accessibility, and overall performance, this update lays the groundwork for a smooth transition to the final version of iOS 18.

Key Takeaways:

  • iOS 18 beta 7 focuses on refinement and bug fixes, improving overall user experience
  • CarPlay receives larger album artwork, timer control, and weather request animations
  • Siri gets new animations and retains old icon for unsupported devices
  • App improvements include media playback during camera recording and clear distinction of downloaded podcast episodes
  • Silent mode mirroring and color filters enhance accessibility
  • General performance and stability improvements across devices

Source & Image Credit: HotshotTek

Filed Under: Apple, Apple iPhone, Top News

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