50 Power BI Technical Terms & Concepts Explained


50 Power BI Technical Terms & Concepts Explained

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50 Power BI Technical Terms & Concepts Explained

Power BI, Microsoft’s powerful business analytics tool, empowers users to visualize and share data insights like never before. However, to truly harness its potential, it’s crucial to understand the technical terms and jargon that form the foundation of this tool. In this excellent overview guide by Chandoo, learn more about 50 essential terms, using an fake company as a practical example to illustrate these concepts and help you navigate the world of Power BI with confidence.

The Power BI Iceberg: Understanding the Underlying Structure

Think of Power BI as an iceberg. The visuals and reports you interact with are just the tip, while the underlying technologies and concepts form the massive structure beneath the surface. To effectively manage your data, perform calculations, and create meaningful reports, it’s essential to grasp these foundational elements.

The Data Layer: Connecting, Storing, and Transforming

Getting Your Data into Power BI

The first step in any Power BI project is getting your data into the tool. This is where terms like Power Query, One Lake, and various data storage solutions come into play.

  • Power Query is the tool that allows you to connect to various data sources, such as websites, CRM systems, and Excel files, and import that data into Power BI.
  • One Lake acts as a consolidated data storage solution, centralizing your data for easy access and management.
  • Data Warehouses, Databases, Data Marts, and Data Verse are different types of data storage, each serving specific purposes. For example, a data warehouse might store historical data for long-term analysis, while a database could handle real-time transactions.
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Transforming Your Data

Once your data is in Power BI, you may need to transform it to prepare it for analysis. This is where terms like changing data formats, refresh, M Language, SQL, and query folding come into play.

  • Changing data formats involves tasks like splitting columns, converting values, and performing other transformations to ensure your data is in the right format for analysis.
  • Refresh is the process of updating your data to ensure you’re always working with the most current information.
  • M Language is the coding language used in Power Query for data transformations, allowing you to perform complex manipulations on your data.
  • SQL is used for querying data, while query folding optimizes data retrieval by pushing transformations back to the data source, reducing the amount of data that needs to be loaded into Power BI.

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The Calculation Layer: Modeling and Measuring Your Data

Modeling Your Data

Once your data is in Power BI and transformed, you need to model it to create a meaningful structure. This is where terms like semantic modeling, tables, star schema, snowflake schema, and relationships come into play.

  • Semantic modeling involves connecting data items to create a meaningful structure. For example, in a chocolate company, you might link sales data to product information to understand which products are selling best.
  • Tables are the basic units of data storage within Power BI, representing different entities like customers, products, and sales.
  • Star schema and snowflake schema are two common data model structures. A star schema has a central fact table connected to dimension tables, while a snowflake schema normalizes dimension tables into multiple related tables.
  • Relationships define how data in one table relates to data in another, allowing you to create meaningful connections between your data entities.
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Measuring Your Data

With your data modeled, you can start creating measures – calculations performed on your data to derive insights. This is where DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) comes into play.

  • Measures are calculations like total shipments, average sales, or year-over-year growth that provide insights into your data.
  • DAX is a formula language used to create measures and calculated columns in Power BI, allowing you to perform complex calculations on your data.
  • The DAX Query View is a tool for testing your DAX queries to ensure they return the expected results before using them in your reports.

The Reporting Layer: Visualizing and Interacting with Your Data

Creating Visuals

The reporting layer is where you create the visuals that bring your data to life. Individual charts and graphs are the basic building blocks of Power BI reports, allowing you to represent your data in a visual format.

Building Reports and Dashboards

Reports and dashboards are collections of visuals that provide a comprehensive view of your data. They can include filters and slicers to allow users to focus on specific subsets of data, and drill through functionality to enable users to view detailed data based on the filters applied to a visual.

  • Paginated reports are detailed, row-level reports designed for printing or PDF export, providing a more traditional reporting format.
  • Interactions allow visuals to update based on user actions, providing a dynamic and interactive experience that encourages data exploration.

Putting It All Together: A Practical Example

To illustrate these concepts, let’s consider a chocolate company using Power BI to analyze its sales data. They might use Power Query to import data from their CRM system and data warehouse, then use M Language to transform and clean the data.

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They could then create a semantic model with tables for customers, products, and sales, and define relationships between these tables. Using DAX, they could create measures like total sales, average order size, and year-over-year growth.

Finally, they could create a report with visuals like a bar chart showing sales by product category, a map showing sales by region, and a slicer to filter the data by date range. They could also add drill through functionality to allow users to view detailed sales data for each product.

Mastering Power BI: A Journey Worth Taking

By understanding these technical terms and concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the world of Power BI and unlock its full potential for your data analysis needs. Whether you’re working with sales data for a chocolate company or any other type of data, mastering Power BI is a journey worth taking.

Media Credit: Chandoo

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