10 Onyx Storm Theories I Hope The Next Fourth Wing Book Confirms


10 Onyx Storm Theories I Hope The Next Fourth Wing Book Confirms

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10 Onyx Storm Theories I Hope The Next Fourth Wing Book Confirms

Onyx Storm will arrive in January 2025, and the next Fourth Wing sequel is poised to significantly raise the stakes of Rebecca Yarros’ story. That’s saying a lot, as The Empyrean Series is already action-packed and intense as-is. After Iron Flame‘s twist ending, however, things are bound to get darker for Violet Sorrengail and Xaden Riorson. And with the war against the venin now in full swing, Onyx Storm will likely feature more shocking reveals and heartbreaking casualties.

The latter makes me worried about some of my favorite Fourth Wing characters, but the looming twists may confirm some of the theories that have cropped up ahead of Onyx Storm‘s release. There’s no shortage of speculation on what will happen next in The Empyrean Series online. While there are some predictions I’d rather not come true — like Violet’s father returning as a venin — there are others I’m hoping the next Fourth Wing sequel will finally confirm.

10 Violet’s Second Signet Is Communicating With The Dead

This Would Explain Why She Sees Liam In Iron Flame

Custom image by Yeider Chacon

One of the biggest things Fourth Wing fans are speculating about is Violet’s second signet, as it’s been suggested that she’s already showing signs of it during Iron Flame. Violet’s power from Andarna has yet to fully manifest. However, if it’s anywhere near as powerful as her ability from Tairn, it could turn the tides of the war. And given that Violet is The Empyrean Series’ heroine, there’s little doubt her second signet will be as epic as the first one. I’m hoping the theory that Violet can communicate with the dead will come to fruition, as it’s a fascinating ability.


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Violet is a heroine who showcases her strengths throughout The Empyrean Series, and these pieces of Fourth Wing fan art show why fans love her.

This theory mostly stems from Violet’s visions of Liam while she’s being tortured in Iron Flame, which could easily manifest because of the pressure she’s under. However, it would be a fun twist if she actually did see Liam in Iron Flame and just didn’t realize it was real. This would also be an easy way for The Empyrean Series to answer some of its most burning questions. Violet could talk to her father or even the deceased leaders of Navarre to learn more about the enemy and their weaknesses.

9 Violet Is Actually A Truthsayer

This Is My Second Favorite Theory About Her Next Signet

The covers of Fourth Wing, Onyx Storm, Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros in front of a purple, white, and gold background

While Violet being able to speak to the dead is my favorite theory about her second signet, I also wouldn’t mind if Onyx Storm revealed that she’s a truthsayer. This is another huge Fourth Wing theory, and it’s one that the book’s recently released blurb seems to support. The description, which was posted on Instagram, emphasizes that Violet is the only person capable of uncovering the truth about the venin and Navarre. This alone isn’t enough evidence to suggest she’s a truthsayer, but her entire Iron Flame arc is.

Iron Flame
puts a lot of emphasis on Violet’s need for the truth, hinting that it’s stronger than the average person’s.

Iron Flame puts a lot of emphasis on Violet’s need for the truth, hinting that it’s stronger than the average person’s. This is why she struggles to forgive Xaden in the second Empyrean Series book, and it’s also something that comes up in her other personal relationships. It pains Violet that she can’t tell her loved ones the truth. And Violet’s mother even pushed her towards the Riders Quadrant because she knew her daughter’s need for honesty could hurt her in the Scribe Quadrant. Needless to say, the revelation that she’s a truthsayer would have a strong foundation.

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8 Violet’s Father Was Poisoned

I Prefer This Theory To Violet’s Father Being A Venin

Custom Image By Yailin Chacon

Several theories about Violet’s father suggest he’s still alive or even a venin, but I think this would be a cheap twist after Fourth Wing‘s Brennan reveal. I’d much rather find out that Violet’s father didn’t actually have a heart attack. In fact, the theory that he was killed by poison seems far more fitting for his character. There are different versions of this, as some believe Violet’s father poisoned himself, while others think Navarre’s officials quietly assassinated him. Either way, I think it’s an interesting and dark development that should be confirmed in Onyx Storm.

Violet’s father was a scribe, and it’s obvious that he knows more about the venin and Navarre’s secrets than he initially let on. It would make sense if this got him in trouble with Navarre’s officials, especially if Violet’s father wanted to do something about the venin. This could have led to him poisoning himself to escape the wrath of the higher-ups, or it could have gotten him killed by Navarre’s leaders. The confirmation of either version of this theory would explain Lilith’s fears about Violet becoming a Scribe — and it would give greater meaning to Mr. Sorrengail’s death.

7 Naolin Became A Venin Saving Brennan

The Circumstances Surrounding Brennan’s Survival Are Suspicious

Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros against a red, fiery background
Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

Violet and her family believe Brennan is dead throughout Fourth Wing, but the book’s ending reveals this isn’t the case. Brennan survives the confrontation that supposedly “killed” him, though there’s not much information on how. And Onyx Storm‘s best Naolin theory suggests that Naolin sacrificed more than Violet knows to save her brother. Naolin is Tairn’s previous rider and Brennan’s close friend — though some readers believe the two were more than that. It’s possible Naolin became a venin after saving Brennan and that he isn’t actually dead in The Empyrean Series.

This would be a tragic twist for Onyx Storm to include, but I think it would expertly explain the rune on the palm of Brennan’s hand. It would also create an interesting and potentially heartbreaking dynamic between Violet, Naolin, and Tairn. And it would confirm why the venin seem so interested in Violet. While this theory does rehash an Empyrean Series twist that’s already been done twice — resurrecting the dead — I think it has a lot of potential to move the story forward.

6 The Empyrean Will Betray Navarre

We Already Know Some Of The Dragons Aren’t Trustworthy

Fourth Wing Custom Dragon
Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

Another Empyrean Series theory I love — and hope will be confirmed in Onyx Storm — is that some of the series’ dragons are already working with the venin. In Iron Flame, there are hints that traitors have already infiltrated Basgiath War College. While readers are inclined to think they’re other humans, it’s possible a subset of the Empyrean itself has turned its back on Navarre. Iron Flame sets up this massive betrayal when some of the dragons choose not to confirm the truth about the venin to their riders.

This is suspicious on its own, and Tairn notes prior to Onyx Storm that the Empyrean is split on how to handle the looming war. While this could simply be reluctance to get involved, I’m hoping it’s more than that. Having dragons siding with the venin would be an incredibly interesting development for The Empyrean Series, so I’m hoping Onyx Storm either continues to set up this twist — or just outright confirms it.

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5 Ridoc Will Die In Onyx Storm

The Comic Relief Needs To Die For The Story’s Dark Turn

The cover of Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros in front of a background showing four shadows walking
Custom Image by Yeider Chacon

It’s a given that more characters will die in Onyx Storm; the book’s blurb basically confirms it. And after Iron Flame‘s foreshadowing, I’m hoping someone from Violet’s tight-knit group of friends will fall in the next Fourth Wing book. I support the idea that Ridoc will die in Onyx Storm, as he seems the most likely candidate from the core four characters in Violet’s friend group. As they all vow to survive their time at Basgiath in Iron Flame, it seems inevitable that one of them will break this promise. Realistically, it needs to be Ridoc.

Ridoc’s tendency to provide comic relief makes him the more sensible option.

Violet is the series’ main character, so she can’t die in the third installment. Sawyer has a death scare at the end of Iron Flame, and the loss of his leg will likely keep him from battle for a while. This narrows it down to either Rhiannon or Ridoc, and Ridoc’s tendency to provide comic relief makes him the more sensible option. It seems like Onyx Storm will be a turning point for The Empyrean Series, with things getting darker and more serious from here on out. Killing Ridoc in this book would be the perfect way to drive that home.

4 Dain Will Die In The Next Fourth Wing Sequel

I Think His Storyline Could Easily End In Onyx Storm

Fourth Wing Onyx Storm
Custom Image by Yeider Chacon. 

Another character many readers think will die in Onyx Storm is Dain Aetos. I’m on the fence about whether he’ll perish in Onyx Storm or a later Fourth Wing sequel, but I wouldn’t mind if the next installment confirmed the theories about Dain’s death. Dain isn’t the most likable character, and his redemption arc isn’t set up that well in Fourth Wing. He does make better decisions in Iron Flame, but it doesn’t feel like there’s much more for Yarros to do with his character. He still needs to prove himself to Violet, but then his arc is essentially over.

And Dain could very well redeem himself in Violet’s eyes by sacrificing his life for her or Xaden. This would be a tragic ending for Dain’s character, but it would fit with The Empyrean Series’ stakes and tone. I think Onyx Storm can wrap up Dain’s story easily, and it should take advantage of the opportunity to do so. It’s certainly better than the next Empyrean book embracing a predictable love triangle instead.

3 There’s A Good Reason For Mira’s Disappearance At The End Of Iron Flame

This Optimistic Theory Is Better Than Mira’s Betrayal

The cover of Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros and a fiery background with a dragon
Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

Mira inexplicably disappears at the end of Iron Flame, just as General Sorrengail sacrifices her life. This is a strange time for Mira to go missing, and her absence has led to many speculations about whether she’s going to betray her family. I’d prefer it if The Empyrean Series didn’t take her character in that direction. And I think an Iron Flame ending theory from Reddit user romancerants makes far more sense. They posit that Mira leaves during Lilith’s death in order to salvage some of her belongings.

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Given that General Sorrengail obviously knows about the venin, it’s reasonable that Mira would retrieve any paperwork that might help them in the war to come.

In The Empyrean Series’ world, it’s mandatory to burn a person’s belongings after they die. However, we see multiple instances where characters break this rule. And given that General Sorrengail obviously knows about the venin, it’s reasonable that Mira would retrieve any paperwork that might help them in the war to come. If Onyx Storm confirms this Mira theory, it could be exactly what Violet needs to start looking into her father’s studies and death.

2 The Venin Are Looking For Andarna, Not Violet

This Fits With An Empyrean Betrayal

The cover of Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros with smoke and a fiery red ring in the background
Custom Image by Yeider Chacon

The venin seem oddly interested in Violet throughout Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, and many readers are theorizing about what their connection to her could be. It’s possible The Empyrean Series’ villains are actually interested in Andarna, though, as she’s a rare feathertail and potentially more powerful than Violet realizes. They may only be interested in Violet because of her connection to Andarna. And this theory fits with an Empyrean betrayal, as it would explain how the venin know so much about Andarna.

If Violet’s father is deep in research about feathertails, this twist could also explain why he knows about the venin. The venin going after Andarna would bring everything together nicely in Onyx Storm, and it would successfully raise the stakes for the main characters. It could also be a means of learning more about the type of dragon Andarna is, which hasn’t been explored thoroughly enough in previous Empyrean books. Hopefully, Onyx Storm will go there and start to answer our questions in the process.

1 Xaden Will Become A Villain In Onyx Storm

This Would Begin A New Dynamic Between Xaden & Violet

Onyx Storm Sky
Custom Image by Yailin Chacon. 

One of the biggest theories after Iron Flame‘s ending is that Xaden will become a villain now that he’s turned venin. This seems like a plausible direction for the story to go in, though Jack Barlowe’s dramatic personality change suggests that not all venin are evil. It’s possible Xaden’s disposition will also change as a result of the transformation though, and his connection to darkness might make it more likely that he’ll embrace it. While some readers will be sad to see Xaden get a villain arc, I’m on board for this to happen in Onyx Storm.

After all, Violet and Xaden get together very early in The Empyrean Series, and they face and overcome several obstacles due to poor communication in the first two books. There isn’t much else to do without adding new challenges into the mix. And making Xaden a villain will present an intriguing dynamic between these characters, rendering their romance that much more tragic. It would also reignite the enemies-to-lovers element of their relationship that made Fourth Wing so great. I hope to see such tensions when Onyx Storm debuts.

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