Rhiannon’s Next Victim & 9 Other Reveals


Rhiannon’s Next Victim & 9 Other Reveals

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Rhiannon’s Next Victim & 9 Other Reveals

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for Sweetpea.

Sweetpea episode 2 built on the show’s strong premiere and continued to provide some crucial reveals, including Rhiannon’s second murder victim. After an intriguing first outing, Starz’s comedy-drama continued Ella Purnell’s impressive TV hot streak as Sweetpea‘s second episode was even more gripping than the first. Having killed a stranger in the previous outing, episode 2 focused on Rhiannon coming to terms with what she’d done while attempting to justify murder. Although the incident has a big effect on her, she actually manages to use it to her advantage, with the murder boosting her career and social life.

Rhiannon’s life only seemed to get worse after losing her father and her dog having already felt completely invisible in Sweetpea episode 1, yet episode 2 began to change her fortunes. Not only did she get her first taste at being a junior reporter, but being more involved at work also helped boost her social status, meaning taking her first life actually had a positive impact on her. Despite this, Rhiannon still has to worry about covering up two separate murders, and episode 2 revealed some important information that suggests things could get even more messy as the series progresses.

10 The Police Found The Body Of Rhiannon’s First Victim

The Discovery Of The Body Means An Official Investigation Is Underway

Although Rhiannon was wise enough to dump her victim in the water and clean the murder weapon, the police were still able to recover the body. The canal was never going to be deep or long enough for the victim’s corpse to stay hidden, and towards the beginning of episode 2, a crime scene was set up where the event happened. Shortly after Rhiannon arrived at work, Jeff showed up late to confirm the police had discovered a dead body, making it a piece of local news that was quickly spreading around town.

Given the nature of the kill, it seems pretty obvious that it was a murder, with the police beginning a formal investigation looking into what happened. Considering it was a heat-of-the-moment decision from Rhiannon, it was also inevitable that law enforcement was going to get involved, but episode 2 confirmed that they now know a killer is on the loose. Luckily for Rhiannon, the episode revealed another vital detail that means she isn’t a major suspect, despite how messy and brutal the stabbing was.

9 Jeff Revealed That The Canal Compromised The Killer’s DNA

Rhiannon May Have Gotten Away With Killing The Stranger

Alongside confirming that the police had found a dead body, Jeff also mentioned that the canal compromised any DNA, meaning the police didn’t have a major lead. Initially, the reporters at the gazette only knew that someone had died, but after Rhiannon blurted out that it was a murder, they began discussing the story in more detail, before going to the crime scene to investigate. After returning, Jeff confirmed that it was a male victim and that the cause of death was 14 stab wounds, before finally confirming that the contaminated water compromised the DNA.

Hearing Sweetpea‘s supporting characters talk about the case naturally piqued Rhiannon’s interest, and with Norman assuming it was gang-related, it gave her more confidence about getting away with the crime. Despite shoving the body in the water being an instinctive decision in a moment of panic, Jeff’s comment suggests it was a potentially key moment for the protagonist. Knowing she isn’t a likely suspect and that the police won’t have much evidence to connect her to the crime is not only a huge weight off her shoulders, but also a motivation to kill again.

8 Rhiannon’s Murder Victim Had A Nephew Who Idolized Him

Ryan Appeared To Be Admired By His Family Before He Was Killed By Rhiannon

Pictures of Ryan and his family in Sweetpea episode 2

Episode 2 centered around Rhiannon trying to find out what everyone knows about the murder while attempting to clear her conscience, making the reveal that her victim had a loving family difficult. Having put herself forward to speak with the family, Rhiannon and AJ headed to the victim’s house and confronted his parents to get a quote for the newspaper. While this was a chance to further her career, it was also an opportunity for Rhiannon to learn more about the person she killed, which is why she almost panicked at seeing a picture of him with a young boy.

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Assuming it was his son, Rhiannon asked about the boy in the picture but found out it was actually her victim’s nephew. The grieving mother confirmed that the young boy idolized her uncle Ryan, and while this still made the incident hard on Rhiannon, it was at least a slight relief to know she hadn’t left an innocent child without her father. Finding out this information firsthand from her victim’s family adds more drama and emotion to Rhiannon becoming a killer, which is one of the many reasons why Sweetpea has had such good reviews and became a huge hit.

7 Ryan Had A Restraining Order Filed Against Him From A Former Colleague

Rhiannon Found Evidence That Proved Ryan Wasn’t Completely Innocent

Ryan covered in blood after being stabbed by Rhiannon in Sweetpea episode 2

While learning about her victim’s family life was devastating for Rhiannon, it wasn’t all bad news as she uncovered Ryan’s restraining order. Ryan’s family may have described all his qualities, but he was no angel, as Rhiannon managed to figure out. After hearing that Ryan got fired from his job, the protagonist excused herself to go to the bathroom, but instead snooped around the victim’s room and found a restraining order. Despite how ruthless and immoral her methods may have been, she showed some quality reporting instincts that added more to the murder story.


Ella Purnell’s Impressive TV Streak Makes Her Returning Show’s Season 2 Even More Exciting

Ella Purnell has recently had a string of highly successful TV shows, making her return to a prior series with an upcoming season 2 more exciting.

Finding the letter led to Rhiannon wrapping up the interview quickly and encouraging AJ to talk to Ryan’s victim, who revealed he was a bully. His actions and threats at the canal already suggested that Ryan had a nastier side to him, but Rhiannon getting this information only further helped her feel less guilty. Therefore, episode 2 revealing the victim’s darker side is a huge moment for Purnell’s character, as it acts as justification for her brutal crime, and is ultimately one of the main reasons she decides to kill another bully.

6 AJ & Rhiannon Went Back On Their Promise To Write A Nice Tribute About Ryan

The Duo Lied To The Victim’s Mother About The Type Of Story They Would Write

Aj and Rhiannon talking to Ryan's mother in Sweetpea episode 2

Getting Ryan’s mother to talk was a real challenge for Rhiannon and AJ given she was still grieving, but they promised to write a nice tribute about her son. However, episode 2 highlighted that they went back on their word. Learning the truth about Ryan’s restraining order and how he treated his colleague made Rhiannon adamant they should take another angle regarding his death. Not only was AJ uncertain, but both Jeff and Norman even felt that idea was unsavory, considering the man had only just died.

Still, having found some new self-confidence after her first kill, Rhiannon was able to persuade the Gazette to run the idea. Although Jeff was given the green light to write the story instead of Rhiannon, the protagonist was ensured she would still get her credit. While the duo going back on their word may not seem like a big deal on paper, the reveal confirms how much Rhiannon has already changed since claiming a life. She is much braver and is willing to expose Ryan’s true nature at the expense of his family’s emotions, showcasing Rhiannon’s major personality shift.

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5 Rhiannon Opened Up To AJ About Her Father & Dog Dying

The Protagonist Finally Expressed Her Emotions Regarding Her Huge Losses

AJ (Calam Lynch) and Rhiannon (Ella Purnell) talking in the car in Sweetpea episode 2

Rhiannon’s dad and dog dying in Sweetpea‘s opening episode was a huge moment that started the protagonist’s transformation from wallflower to killer, but she finally found someone to open up with in episode 2. Unlike most people in her life, AJ was instantly kind and warm to Rhiannon, even if it wasn’t the best time for him to meet her. Still, he’s been one of the few characters who is constantly responsive and concerned about Rhiannon, which has resulted in AJ being the only person that the main character can turn to.

Her comfort with AJ couldn’t have been any clearer than during their car ride together, where Rhiannon revealed she lost her dad and her dog. Although AJ’s awkward nature meant he couldn’t really relate or give Rhiannon the reception she was looking for, he was still sympathetic towards her. Additionally, Rhiannon blew off Craig to spend more time with AJ at the end of episode 2, indicating the two are growing closer. While their connection may not necessarily be romantic, Rhiannon has clearly found someone she can express herself with, making this a major reveal.

4 Craig Wants To Buy Rhiannon’s Dad’s Business

Rhiannon Wasn’t Completely Convinced About Craig Taking Over

Jon Pointing as Craig talking to Rhiannon Lewis in Sweetpea

Craig once again played a minor role in Sweetpea episode 2, just like in episode 1, but his interest in Rhiannon only seemed to be about buying her dad’s business. He visited her house at the beginning of the episode while Rhiannon was still washing the blood off her clothes and expressed his desire to take over the company. Although he was polite about the request and understood Rhiannon was likely still grieving, the protagonist didn’t give it much thought considering she had much bigger things on her plate.

However, the two ran into one another again later in the episode, when Craig inquired about Rhiannon’s father’s business once more. Given he works there and knows how it all runs, he does seem like a suitable successor, but Rhiannon told him “I don’t know if I can trust you.” Craig’s interest in the company seems like it could be a potentially big plot point going forward and a key part of his relationship with Rhiannon, which suggests the duo’s interactions in episode 2 could have a significant impact on the remainder of the season.

3 Rhiannon Was Finally Acknowledged By Her Work Colleagues

Norman Invited Her Out For Drinks After Praising Her Work

Rhiannon (Ella Purnell) sitting with her workmates in a pub in Sweetpea episode 2

Feeling invisible has been a constant issue for Rhiannon throughout her life, but episode 2 was a big step forward. After volunteering at work and playing a major role in the Gazette’s coverage of the murder story, she seemed to earn her colleagues’ respect. AJ already seemed to like her, but despite Jeff pushing back on some of her journalistic methods, he seemed quietly impressed by her work, while Norman even praised her. Alongside telling Rhiannon she did a good job, Norman asked if she wanted to join the rest of the team for drinks.


Ella Purnell’s New Show Sounds Like The Complete Opposite Of Her Fallout Role (But In A Good Way)

Refusing to be typecast, Ella Purnell’s Fallout follow-up role sounds completely opposite of Lucy MacLean — in the best possible way for the actor.

Considering most of the staff typically ignored her when leaving work, the fact she was invited out was a huge moment. It finally gave her a sense of validation and getting to hang out at a pub with her peers seemed like a relatively new experience for the protagonist. She even found the courage to sing in front of everyone, making it clear she was more confident and freer than ever. Even if she isn’t a fan of her colleagues at the Gazette, episode 2 proved that she is more popular and sociable than ever after taking her first life.

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2 Rhiannon Killed Again In Sweetpea Episode 2

Her Second Kill Was More Premeditated

Rhiannon (Ella Purnell) looking manically at her victim while holding a knife in Sweetpea

After Rhiannon became a killer in Sweetpea episode 1, it was only a matter of time before she claimed another life, and we didn’t have to wait long as episode 2’s ending was reminiscent of the premiere’s conclusion. Once again, Rhiannon stabbed a man to death, only this time it was premeditated. Unlike the spontaneous murder by the canal, Rhiannon stalked a man all the way from the pub to a discrete location full of trash. She asked the man for help finding her lost dog, before stabbing him repeatedly, just like her first victim.

The murder weapon appeared to be the same, and this time there was more motivation behind the kill. Having spotted a man being rude at the bar, Rhiannon recognized him as the same man who was being impolite at the hospital, meaning he was somewhat responsible for her dad not getting the care he needed. Having already convinced herself that her previous victim was a bully, it seems like Rhiannon felt she was doing the world a favor by claiming her second life, confirming she has fully embraced her darker desires.

1 The Police Know Rhiannon Was At The Pub Before The Second Murder

Rhiannon Was Singing On Stage When The Police Entered The Pub

Marina (Leah Harvey) looking at Rhiannon while standing next to police officers in Sweetpea

Out of every episode 2 reveal, the police walking in on Rhiannon’s performance is perhaps the biggest one. Although the pub was busy, Rhiannon’s face was one of the most identifiable ones, given she was the center of attention when the police entered the building. Therefore, knowing she was out during the night of the second murder makes her a potential suspect, even if she isn’t at the top of the list. When the second body is inevitably discovered, the police will likely begin questioning those who were out that night, meaning Rhiannon will need to cover her tracks.

Being on the police’s radar could prompt some drastic changes in the protagonist’s behavior, and it makes any potential murders in the future much riskier. Therefore, the police spotting Rhiannon at the bar may make the walls start to close in around her, with the stress and anxiety in her life likely to grow as the investigation ramps up. Whether Rhiannon gets away with her crimes or not is one of Sweetpea‘s biggest mysteries, but the involvement of law enforcement instantly makes the show more exciting, cementing this scene as episode 2’s most important moment.

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