As the special counsel investigates Hunter, the Biden family huddles in secrecy in their Lake Tahoe mansion.


As the special counsel investigates Hunter, the Biden family huddles in secrecy in their Lake Tahoe mansion.

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As the special counsel investigates Hunter, the Biden family huddles in secrecy in their Lake Tahoe mansion.

The Biden White House is sticking to its practice of not keeping a guest log at the family’s housing when they travel.
This week, President Biden and his family are staying in a secret location on the shores of Lake Tahoe in Nevada. This is because his son, Hunter, is the subject of a probe by a special counsel.

The White House says that Joe and Jill Biden are renting the $18 million home of an environmental activist, businessman, and former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer at fair market value for a nine-day vacation after the president visited Hawaii to look at the damage from the recent devastating wildfires.

Biden’s holiday started on Tuesday with his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, their daughter Ashley, their son Hunter, his wife, Melissa Cohen, their son Beau, and a few of their grandkids.
It’s unclear if the Bidens will have any guests while they’re there since Hunter’s legal problems are still up in the air and special counsel Andrew Weiss is still looking into the president’s son.

When asked if anyone was expected to visit the president or his family, a White House spokeswoman told Fox New Digital that there had never been any guest logs kept at the First Family’s homes or hotels while they were traveling and planned to keep that pattern going.

The source also said that the same policy was followed when Barack Obama was president.
Hunter’s minor tax charges were dropped by a federal judge in Delaware last week. This was expected after his “sweetheart” plea deal fell through in July when he went to court for the first time in the case.

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After the plea deal fell through, Biden pleaded “not guilty,” and federal officials stated he is still being investigated. As part of the deal to escape jail time on the felony gun charge, he was set to plead guilty to the two misdemeanor tax counts of willfully failing to pay federal income tax.
Early this month, Hunter’s case was given to Weiss as a particular attorney by Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Weiss and Biden’s lawyers are still fighting over a deal that would let him escape jail and get the crime charge dropped. Weiss has said he might take Biden to court in Washington, D.C., or California.

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