Coronation Street reveals Lauren’s killer as murder saga explodes | Soaps


Coronation Street reveals Lauren’s killer as murder saga explodes | Soaps

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Coronation Street reveals Lauren’s killer as murder saga explodes | Soaps

The truth at last (Picture: ITV/REX)

The storyline focusing on the disappearance of Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) will take centre stage in Coronation Street next week, as the truth is at last revealed.

Troubled character Lauren seemingly vanished into thin air way back in February. After Bobby (Jack Carroll) told the police, DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers) and Craig (Colson Smith) launched an investigation, making the assumption she had been murdered due to the blood found in her flat, and the fact no-one saw Lauren leave Weatherfield.

Practically since the case was opened, Roy Cropper (David Neilson) has been suspect number one when it comes to the person responsible for killing Lauren. Of course, most Weatherfield residents are aware Roy wasn’t involved, but that hasn’t stopped Swain and her team from trying to find enough evidence to put this character behind bars for the rest of his life.

So, what’s coming up?

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With Roy still behind bars awaiting trial for Lauren’s murder, the pressure is mounting. To make matters worse, we know far-right gang leader Griff Reynolds (Michael Condron) will return to Weatherfield prison and soon, he will take it upon himself to try and force a confession out of Roy.

Back on the cobbles, Bethany (Lucy Fallon) is convinced that Nathan (Christopher Harper) is to blame for Lauren’s murder.

In a climactic week of episodes, stripped across five nights, we’ll see Carla (Alison King) and Bobby on the wrong side of the law, facing charges for perverting the course of justice.

And at last, we will find out who Lauren Bolton’s killer really is.

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Let’s take a look at the drama set to unfold next week in Coronation Street.

Monday, May 27

Sarah tries to take action (Picture: ITV)

Worried about her daughter, Sarah (Tina O’Brien) visits Nathan at the building site and reminds him he accepted £10k to leave town and never return. Nathan laughs in her face, so Sarah forms a plan and returns with a hair bobble belonging to Lauren, hoping to frame the evil man.

When police officer Kit (Jacob Roberts) – who is Bernie’s (Jane Hazlegrove) other son – catches Sarah in the act, she confesses her plan. Kit sends Sarah away after telling her to let the police do their job.

As news spreads through the street that Nathan has been arrested, we pay a visit to Roy’s prison cell and notice a book he was reading is lying soaked in tea with a broken spine.

Tuesday, May 28

Swain grows curious about the change between Carla and Roy (Picture: ITV)

After Nina (Mollie Gallagher) tells Carla that Roy will soon have a date for his trial, DS Swain approaches and asks Carla why she’s fallen out with Roy.

Curious, Swain visits Roy and asks him outright if his fallout with Carla has anything to do with Bobby’s statement. The detective then heads back to the cobbles, arrests Bobby for perverting the course of justice, and tells Carla her nephew’s lies aren’t helping anyone.

Also, Hope (Isabella Flanagan) shows Ruby (Billie Naylor) a necklace she’s found, Griff’s need for revenge on Roy grows, and Swain tells Carla that her partner died and her daughter Betsy is struggling with her grief.

Wednesday, May 29

Roy’s life is put in danger (Picture: ITV)

As Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) hopes that Bobby’s statement will be enough to exonerate him, Griff orders cellmate Roscoe to lure Roy to the prison library.

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When Carla tells Dee-Dee about Bobby getting arrested, she realises that Roy’s defence is up in smoke.

Back in the prison, as Roy returns from the library, he’s shocked to come face to face with Griff.

Thursday, May 30

Griff believes that Lauren was killed by Roy (Picture: ITV)

Pulling out the knife, Griff demands Roy tells him what he did with Lauren’s body. With the café owner refusing to confess to murder, Griff holds the knife to his throat and orders him to say his last words.

Back in Weatherfield, Sarah finds Kit and asks what they found in Nathan’s van. The newcomer reveals it was one of Lauren’s hairs and suggests she must have dropped it.

After Kit promises to keep her name out of it, he heads off to interview Nathan with Swain, while Sarah tells Bethany and Daniel (Rob Mallard) about her plan to set Nathan up.

In the interview, when DS Swain says that the girl who provided him with an alibi for the night of Lauren’s disappearance has changed her mind, Nathan – who is being represented by Joel (Calum Lill) is rattled.

As accusations fly around left, right and centre, Thursday’s episode of the ITV soap will finally allow us to learn who killed Lauren.

Friday, May 31

In the final instalment of the week, Nathan assures Joel that he is innocent and suspects Sarah planted Lauren’s hair in the van.

Meanwhile, in a bid to gather more evidence against Nathan, Daniel and Bethany call Nicky (Kimberly Hart-Simpson) and beg her to put them in touch with Ellie, as they suspect she has vital information.

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When Bethany and Daniel meet with Ellie, the young woman describes how she had a client who showered her with gifts and became more of a boyfriend, but then became nasty and threatened to kill her.

When Bethany shows Ellie a picture of Nathan, will she confirm that it was him?

Elsewhere, there’s intriguing process between Carla and Swain, as Carla offers Betsy – Swain’s daughter – some work experience at the factory.

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