Diners slam ‘tacky’ checking-out fee charged by swanky London restaurant


Diners slam ‘tacky’ checking-out fee charged by swanky London restaurant

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Gloria in Shoreditch has been charging people a check-out fee (Picture: Google Maps/Deadline News)

Step out of your home in London and boom! There goes £20. Such is life in the capital. But this new charge is too much for even the most seasoned of Londoners.

We’ve witnessed many crimes in the city – by which we mean £900 steak, Lurpak for £7.20, and fish and chips for £37. But this new restaurant fee takes the cake.

A Shoreditch eatery was slammed online after customers shared that it had charged them a ‘checking-out fee’.

Italian restaurant Gloria has been charging customers an extra amount for paying their bill through an app named Sunday.

The customers shared that they had paid a service fee of 13.5%, but on top of that was a £2.99 ‘checking-out’ fee.

Their total for the meal was £193.50, going up to £222.64 with the extra charges, meaning they paid a surplus of £29.14.

Customers have the option of taking this charge off, but they may miss the unexpected expenditure. They’d also have to call the waiter over to update the bill and pay via card reader instead.

The Sunday app was created by the restaurant’s founders, Victor Lugger and Tigrane Seydoux, who co-founded The Big Mamma group which owns Gloria.

She’s clearly taken off the checking-out fee (Picture: Shutterstock / Jose Calsina)

A picture of the bill was shared on Reddit on the subreddit r/London, where the poster wrote: ‘Is Gloria in Shoreditch the only restaurant that charges you for the privilege of paying your bill?’

Redditors weren’t pleased at all with the charge, with some encouraging customers to leave a low rating on Google.

One person wrote: ‘It actually borders tacky. Would put it on their Google reviews, they might not be aware that it shows up like that, or that it just ruins the whole experience. They might see it and reconsider.

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‘People are sick to the back teeth of booking places, bonkers service charges and still expecting tip, and now stupid things like this. It’s for their own good they know about this!’

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Another person pointed out that the service charge, plus the Sunday fee, was in addition to any tips you wanted to give. So if you weren’t paying too much attention, you could pay way more than you realise.

They wrote: ‘From what I can tell from the reviews, the restaurant charges 13.5% on the billed amount.

‘Sunday charges a £2.99 fee. And then there is a request on the app to give an additional tip, which will be a percentage of the sum of food, plus service charge, plus Sunday fee.

‘If you get unwittingly caught out by that, choose 10%, your Sunday charge becomes £3.29 and you end up paying a percentage of the service charge which is already a percentage of the food. It’s a step too far.’

Others said this type of charge wouldn’t be seen in other industries: ‘I just can’t think of any other industries in which it would be acceptable.

‘Go to a builder’s yard, see a plank for a tenner. Ask for it.

‘They tell you as you’re paying that, on top of the advertised £10, they want £1.35 because the guy preparing the wood for sale did such a good job at cutting it. Then, when you go to hand over your £11.35, want another £2.99 as the fee to let you pay them. Madness.’

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The Sunday app was created in the wake of the pandemic, where many restaurants and bars opted for QR code menus and self-checkout systems.

The app works by letting you pay through it or choose to split the bill. The website claims that restaurants that use the app see 40% increase in tips.

We’ve contacted Gloria for comment and will update the piece if they respond with a statement.

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