Every New Star Wars Planet Introduced In The Acolyte


Every New Star Wars Planet Introduced In The Acolyte

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Every New Star Wars Planet Introduced In The Acolyte

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for The Acolyte.


  • Ueda is one of many planets with a Jedi presence in The Acolyte.
  • Carlac is a barren, frozen planet where Osha crash-lands.
  • Mae and Osha’s home planet Brendok plays a central role in the storyline, with a tragic past revealed.

Star Wars: The Acolyte, Star Wars’ newest Disney+ TV show, has debuted with a two-episode premiere, and these planets from the show are all the new additions to the Star Wars galaxy. The Acolyte may be the most recent release in the chronology of Star Wars movies and TV shows, but it’s also the furthest back in the Star Wars timeline of any Star Wars show or movie thus far. Set 100 years before Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, The Acolyte takes place during the High Republic Era, the golden age of the Jedi and the Republic.

This period not only saw the Jedi more present across the galaxy than they were in the prequel trilogy but also was marked by exploration and an interest in expanding knowledge. Because of that, The Acolyte has the potential to introduce innumerable brand-new worlds. These are the new planets that have been introduced in the show so far.


Everything You Need To Know Before Watching Star Wars: The Acolyte

Star Wars’ next TV show, The Acolyte, will come to Disney+ on June 4. Here’s everything you need to know ahead of this epic Star Wars series.

5 Ueda

Ueda Is The First Planet Shown In The Acolyte

Ueda is the green, lush planet shown in the very first scene of The Acolyte. It’s clear that this planet is one of many where the Jedi have a presence during this era, as, when Mae is seeking Master Indara, she asks a bystander, “Where’s your Jedi?” The language of her question suggests that Indara was the Jedi (or one of several Jedi) who were stationed on Ueda.

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It is then that Mae enters a cantina, where the epic battle between Mae and Master Indara, showcased in several trailers for The Acolyte, takes place. Sadly, Indara dies soon after, as Mae plays on her weaknesses by threatening the person working behind the bar in the cantina. However, it’s also clear that Ueda has strong connections to the Jedi and the Republic, as that same cantina worker quickly helps to identify Mae (who everyone initially mistakes for Osha).

4 Carlac

Osha Crash Lands On The Frozen Planet Carlac

Osha's Ship Crashing On Carlac in the first episode of The Acolyte

Osha was on her way to Coruscant to answer for the murder of Master Indara when a group of prisoners on the same ship decided to hold a mutiny and escape. Because she hadn’t wanted to take part in the escape plan, Osha ended up stuck on the ship as it crash-landed on the frozen, snowy planet of Carlac. The planet seemed to be quite barren—at least where Osha crashed—although she did see a vision of her twin as a young girl.

However, that doesn’t seem to be a feature of the planet or suggest that the planet has a unique connection to the Force; Osha sees her sister again later on, on a different planet. Notably, it seems the Jedi likely have some degree of familiarity with Carlac. When Jedi Master Rwoh informed Jedi Master Sol that Osha had crashed on the planet, Sol didn’t require any additional information or ask any questions. Based on how desolate the planet seemed, the Jedi might not be actively present on Carlac, but the Jedi seem at least aware of it.

3 Brendok

Mae And Osha’s Home Planet Burned Along With Their Family

Osha Watching Brendok Burn in a flashback in The Acolyte

So far, Osha and Mae’s home planet of Brendok has only been depicted in a flashback, in which Osha remembered seeing the trees burn. Although the details are still developing, this event has already been central to the story. Allegedly, Mae burned the twins’ home along with their mothers, killing their entire family in the process. While it remains to be seen what exactly transpired, Master Sol did confirm the story.

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Sol’s awareness of the event also revealed that the Jedi had been present on Brendok as well, at least at the time. In fact, when Mae’s plot to kill the four Jedi she feels have wronged her is revealed, The Acolyte confirms that all four Jedi she is seeking—Sol, Indara, Torbin, and Kelnacca—were stationed on Brendok. So far, little more is known about the planet.

2 Olega

Olega Is The First New Planet Confirmed To Have A Jedi Temple

An image of Olega in The Acolyte showing a ship and a cityscape

Olega is one of the most interesting new planets in The Acolyte because it is confirmed to have a local Jedi Temple on it. This is one of the first massive differences between The Acolyte and the prequel trilogy in terms of the presence of the Jedi. In the prequel trilogy, it seems as though Coruscant is the sole home of the Jedi; however, Olega makes it clear that wasn’t the case.

In fact, it’s evident not only that other Jedi Temples existed but also that they all remained very connected. Despite Osha having been away from the Jedi for six years, when she hears that they are changing course and going to Olega, she says, “Torbin is on Olega.” Clearly, the Jedi had a network of temples that maintained connection enough for an ex-Jedi Padawan to know which Jedi Masters were stationed at which Temple even years later.

1 Khofar

Khofar Is Confirmed To Be The Location Of Master Kelnacca

The forests on the planet Khofar in The Acolyte

Although only briefly shown in the second episode of The Acolyte, Khofar is sure to become a central setting for the upcoming episodes. So far, Mae has already encountered three of the four Jedi she is determined to kill. The fourth and final, Jedi Master Kelnacca, the Wookiee Jedi, is confirmed to be on Khofar.

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In fact, the person assisting Mae on her mission, Qimir, describes Khofar as “A relaxing forest retreat in the Outer Rim where the Wookiee Jedi lives.” While certainly said sarcastically, this confirms that Khofar is where Mae will be headed next, and, presumably, Osha and the Jedi along with her. However, there’s sure to be plenty revealed about Khofar in the upcoming episodes of Star Wars: The Acolyte as the story of Star Wars’ first live-action Wookiee Jedi in the canon is told.

The first two episodes of The Acolyte are available to stream on Disney+.


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