Games Inbox: What will be From Software’s next game?


Games Inbox: What will be From Software’s next game?

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Games Inbox: What will be From Software’s next game?

What happens after Shadow Of The Erdtree? (Bandai Namco)

The Tuesday letters page thinks Microsoft and Sony should copy Nintendo more, as one reader wants a remake of Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis.

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From From with love
I’m not sure what I’m getting more excited about, the prosect of Shadow Of Erdtree being out soon or the fact that means From is likely to announce a new game fairly soon after. Despite the size of their games they seem to knock them out pretty quickly; we only had Armored Core 6 last year, so I’m assuming they’re a fair way into the next one, especially given Shadow Of Erdtree is only DLC (I know it’s big DLC but still).

It’s extra exciting because this would presumably be their first current gen only title (the idea Microsoft are thinking of a new gen in 2026 is ridiculous, given so many developers haven’t even released anything but cross-gen games so far).

I guess Elden Ring 2 is a fair choice but I don’t think they’d do it that quickly. Bloodborne 2 is maybe more likely but everything around that game has been handled so weirdly it’s hard to say. Personally, I’m hoping for something new. Maybe that sci-fi soulslike that fans have been imagining for so long. I want my Giger-esque From game!

COD tier
Why is it I find it so easy to believe the rumours of a price rise and new tier of Game Pass just to account for Call Of Duty? I don’t know what this Extra Ultimate tier is going to cost but the bad publicity surrounding it is going to be another home goal for Microsoft. Although perhaps that’s not quite fair, because I don’t know what else they could do, now they know that Game Pass Is only a niche thing.

I just hope Xbox, and PlayStation for that matter, have a good summer showcase but I’m not hoping for a lot beyond yet more bluster. Some sort of actual apology/explanation for the last 12 months would be best, but I don’t think those Xbox execs could ever bring themselves to do that. You saw how they could barely get the words out of their mouth, about going multiformat during that announcement.

Birthday preparations
I’m still confused as to whether there is going to be a Resident Evil 1 remake in 2026 or not? So, the tweet that was going around from Dusk Golem was fake? That surprises me as doing that for the 30th anniversary made plenty of sense to me, especially as they’ve almost run out of other remakes to do by now.

So the obvious question after that is if they don’t do that what are they going to do for the 30th? Especially since they missed the 25th because of the pandemic, they’ve got to do something massive, but what? I don’t really have any idea, unless Capcom try to do another crossover multiplayer game, which I’m pretty sure nobody wants.

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How about an official demake of one of the modern games, maybe Resident Evil 9 if it’s out by then? Or maybe putting terrible, cheesy dialogue and bad voice-acting into the recent games, as an option. That’d be pretty funny. I wouldn’t mind some new low price spin-offs either, like maybe a tactics game or some kind of puzzle game.

Resident Evil has such a great cast of characters, there’s really a lot you can do with them, that hasn’t really been explored outside the odd Marvel Vs. Capcom cameo.

GC: Nothing is confirmed either way, but Dusk Golem – the most reliable Resident Evil leaker – says he doesn’t think the rumours are true.

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Oldest kid on the block
Very interesting to see another old Nintendo interview emerge and once again you see that they absolute understand the dangers of the dead end that Microsoft and Sony has backed themselves into at the moment. It’s not like Nintendo don’t make mistakes but that’s usually because one of their weird ideas doesn’t work out. But always they are focused on trying something different and not focusing on graphics as the only way to sell a console.

I’m glad that the Switch 2 is coming up now, at this time when Xbox and PlayStation are letting us down so badly. I just hope that the new boss at Nintendo understands things as well as Iwata-san. He hasn’t really been tested yet and while he’s done nothing wrong so far he also hasn’t really done anything particularly positive. Although I find the idea that the Switch 2 was delayed in order to get things right encouraging.

Nintendo has been around so much longer than Microsoft and Sony and yet they continue to ignore them in terms of trying to do things their way. Maybe one day they’ll learn not to ignore the oldest company in gaming.

Belongs in a museum
Since remakes are such the rage at the moment, I wish they’d do one for Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis. As far as I’m concerned it’s the best point ‘n’ click adventure but it’s also the best Indiana Jones story that isn’t the first three movies. But you play it today and it’s… old and the voiceover are not the best.

I’d love to see it turned into a big budget 3D adventure. Keep the same basic story and some of the puzzles, and up the action element. Maybe you could choose to have different levels of difficult for the puzzles, so that the highest was just like the original.

I know it’ll never happen, but I just have a horrible feeling the new game will be a generic first person action game and they’ll never bother with the IP again, especially after the last movie.

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Strange connections
RE: Chaosphere’s Xbox not turning on properly. My Xbox Series X seems to be having similar problems. I’ve had the machine about three years and I began to notice some strange goings-on about 12 months ago.

I always connect using my mobile hotspot on my phone. So, I turn on mobile hotspot, wait for a minute, press the Xbox guide button on the controller, the Xbox Series X starts up, the password screen comes on, I input my password, connection is A-OK, the home screen comes on. Everything’s as it should be, for a few consecutive start-ups.

Then it starts to play up for a while. I turn on mobile hotspot, press the Xbox guide button, the screen goes black for at least a minute, maybe longer, the Xbox then starts to make noises as if it’s reading a disc, then the password screen comes on, I input my password, the home screen comes on, but then it never connects to my mobile hotspot. I then have to hold the Xbox guide button and restart the machine. This almost always solves the problem, I get the password screen on and my Xbox connects to my mobile hotspot.

Once it’s connected online and the home screen is on then everything works fine.

However, when I start up the machine using the Xbox guide button on my wheel (connection is wired from the wheel to the USB port at the front of the machine) then it starts up normally every time. Weird.

I’ve often wondered if it’s the machine sometimes not recognising the controller properly or maybe a problem with the disc mechanism. I am expecting my Xbox Series X to reach the point where it just packs in completely.

As for what to do about it, dunno really, other than to check out a few of the people on YouTube who do repairs. They seem genuine enough.

Can’t do without it, though. Telly’s rubbish; there’s never anything on worth watching.

A bit long-winded; sorry.
Paul C.
PS: Currently playing GRID 2019, GRID Legends, and Assetto Corsa Competizione.

Pointing the finger
How about y’all write about how you guys (the gamer forums) really killed the consoles and limit innovation!

You have stoked the flames of the console wars and supported the PlayStation propaganda and caused most of the problems without talking about all of the actual innovation that has been out and that has stopped developers from putting out more content.

GC: Beg pardon?

Golden oldies
Whenever I’m playing Forza Horizon 4 or 5, I’ll listen to the songs played for a very short while and then turn the in-game radio off and listen to BBC Radio 4 podcasts via my Samsung Flip5 instead.

I’m 42 and don’t like modern music but still play games.

Why haven’t these developers remembered that older people play games too and added in songs from the 90s?

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Is it because the licensing for those songs is too expensive or is it because said developers don’t/won’t cater for those of us who started playing back in the 90s?

I remember first playing GTA: San Andreas back in 2006 and being blown away after hearing reggae dad used to listen to on cassette tapes when I was a kid in the early 90s coming from a modern (at the time) game.

And just for the record, I’ll list some of my favourite licensed soundtracks below (in alphabetical order):

  • Fallout 3
  • GTA: San Andreas
  • GTA 5 (PS3 era)
  • Need For Speed: Underground 1
  • True Crime: New York City
  • Test Drive Unlimited 2

I’m looking forward to Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown and will most-likely buy an Xbox Series X to play it (and other games) but I’m not holding out for its in-game music stations.

GC: We think that’s more of a Forza Horizon thing specifically, which went to some cringey lengths to appeal to younger players.

Inbox also-rans
That deleted Modern Warfare 3 ending was pretty weird. Putting literally Death into Call Of Duty is not something I excepted. They could’ve had a Castlevania crossover and everything.

I guess I must be in the minority here but does anyone really like the building options in Fallout 4 and Starfield? They’re so clunky and difficult to do anything interesting with. Or maybe I just haven’t got the patience.

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