How to Maintain Your Independence After a Serious Injury


How to Maintain Your Independence After a Serious Injury

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If you have seriously hurt yourself, recovering can be one of the most difficult challenges you’ll ever face. Severe injuries impact people’s lives in unexpected ways and can change the course of the future. This is especially true if an injury has affected your ability to work in the way you had previously. Maintaining independence during and after recovery is part of the challenge since you will most likely find yourself relying upon others for support. Here’s how you can maintain a sense of independence without compromising your recovery or wellbeing.

Process the Loss

With a serious injury comes a sense of loss. Depending on the nature of the incident, you may have loss of function, loss of sensation, or even loss of a body part. You may also lose a sense of yourself as you were before the injury. Although this is normal, it isn’t easy. Don’t rush the process of grieving this loss. Give yourself time to heal from the emotional trauma of the injury as well as the physical trauma. You may be tempted to put on a brave face in order to protect the people around you, but being honest about your feelings is the most effective way to deal with them. No one can ever predict how they will react in a crisis, especially one that leaves them with a serious injury, so don’t place expectations on yourself for how you should be feeling.

Make Practical Adjustments

Apart from the mental adjustment you make after an injury, you will also need to adapt to your surroundings to aid in your recovery. The nature of these adjustments will depend on your specific injury. For example, if your mobility has been impacted, you may need to find the appropriate scooter parts for your mobility scooter. You may need to change how your home is laid out so that you can navigate it safely. If in doubt, discuss your concerns with your doctor. They will be able to make suggestions for practical adjustments that will help you recover from your specific injury.

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Find a Source of Support

Some people are accustomed to sharing their struggles with the people closest to them. Others have a hard time opening up. Either way, it is imperative that you find a support network that you can trust during your recovery and beyond. Relying upon yourself may seem like a form of independence, but no one is ever truly capable of surviving on their own. Don’t be ashamed to accept support when you need it.

Measure What You Can Control

When you lose independence after an injury, you can feel as if everything in your life is now out of control. It is now more important than ever to pay attention to the aspects of your life that are still in your control, no matter what they are. This will reinforce a sense of independence and keep you mentally strong.

As you can see, getting over a serious injury is a prolonged process that’s different for anyone who experiences it. No two injuries are identical, and they affect people in unique ways. The key is to process it in your own way, make adjustments, make room for support, and stay grateful for what you can control.

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