‘I buried my rat in my father’s grave’


‘I buried my rat in my father’s grave’

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‘I buried my rat in my father’s grave’

Peggy was an exceptional rat, Naomi tells Metro (Picture: Naomi Westerman

It was a sunny autumn day last year when Naomi Westerman, dressed in black, got down on her hands and knees and began digging up some mud on her father’s grave.

Grappling the hot, dry earth with a small trowel, as five guests watched on, Naomi lovingly prepared the final resting place of her pet rat, Peggy Ratsey.

Peggy was an exceptional rat, Naomi tells Metro.

She would sit outside her room in the morning, waiting for her to get up. Or when Naomi fell asleep on the sofa, she would wake to find her pet rat had crawled into her hands.

When Peggy died at the age of just seven months old due to a digestive condition, Naomi buried her pet alongside her dad Rob in Old Mortlake Cemetery as a final act of service.

‘She was a creature that had given me so much love without really wanting anything in exchange, and when she died, it felt like there was a lot less love in the world, like the world was just a little bit darker and a little bit colder,’ Naomi, 44, explains.

‘It was a really sweet ceremony. I felt really guilty that I couldn’t save Peggy, so I wanted to keep her safe, with my Dad. I felt like I was honouring her and honouring her loss.’

Naomi buried Peggy alongside her dad Rob as a final act of service (Picture: Naomi Westerman)
Naomi and her friends at Peggy’s funeral (Picture: Naomi Westerman)

Now, when Naomi, author of the Happy Death Club, visits the graves, she take flowers and tends to the plot in a grief ritual that she says helps her to alleviate the pain of loss.

‘Generally cultures that ritualise grief tend to deal with it more easily and have less anxiety around mortality,’ she adds.

According to pet bereavement specialist and former animal undertaker Dawn Murray – who has said goodbye to 25 of her own animals – as a society, we struggle with talking about death in the west, and we certainly don’t know how to talk about pet death.

Her journey into this realm began more than two decades ago, when after a long career on the cruise ships she was able to get her first rescue dog – Kaz the greyhound – whom she loved with all her heart.

His death to old age in 2001 was harrowing, not least because she had just lost her mum to cancer.

Dawn wanted to give Kaz a dignified send off – the reality was much different (Picture: Dawn Murray)

Dawn, from Bathgate near Edinburgh, says: ‘I decided I would give my boy a great send off, with an individual cremation. His death was very sad, but the vet came to my house and Kaz died with dignity in my arms.

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‘When the man came to pick up Kaz however, it all went downhill. I’d paid £200 for an individual cremation but the guy turned up in a van full of deceased dogs, picked up Kaz like he was no more than a bit of trash and threw him into the back.’

To make matters worse, her dog’s ashes were delivered to the wrong address; a nearby neighbour whose young daughter had just died.

‘I apologised profusely to my neighbour, as that was the last thing she needed. I was shocked,’ Dawn, 60, remembers.

Dawn is part of the newly-launched Association of Pet Bereavement Counsellors which aims to standardise support for the bereaved owners (Picture: Dawn Murray)

‘I thought I was doing something really special for Kaz, but I felt angry and guilty, and that can fester if you have no-one to talk that over with.

When my mother died we had flowers, condolences, people coming to the door. But when the dog dies; it’s ‘oh well, never mind’.

Every time I came back to my house, my home never felt like a home, it was just emptiness without Kaz.’

It was a pivotal moment for Dawn. Realising that others must be suffering in a similar way, she set up as a pet undertaker and later a bereavement specialist.

Now, she counsels people through the feelings of loss, but also offers a lot of practical support, helping them make decisions and plans during a difficult time, whether that is helping them with euthanasia, funerals, or other options, or helping them when a pet is missing or is stolen.

Pet loss can be misunderstood, says Dawn, who is part of the newly-launched Association of Pet Bereavement Counsellors. She hears stories of clients’ grief not being understood on a daily basis, or married couples falling out because they are grieving differently.

When Rebecca’s horse Taran died stroking and holding him in direct aftermath made the grieving process easier (Picture: Rebecca Muscant)
She made plaited bracelets out of Taran’s mane and tail, so he would remain close (Picture: Rebecca Muscant)

‘There are so many factors with a companion animal. We’re totally responsible for this gorgeous wee creature that gives us so much love. And there can be a lot of guilt, because you have made the decision to euthanise, or someone has left the gate open, or they didn’t realise the dog was ill.’

Lifelong animal lover and equine-assisted therapist Rebecca Muscant lost her first pet when she was a teenager and didn’t quite know how to process it.

‘My Great Dane Cassie died when I was 13,’ Rebecca, founder of equine therapy service Wind Horse Wellbeing in Cheshire tells Metro. ‘But I felt that no one really understood how heartbroken I was.

‘Many years later I was with Taran, my horse, when he died. We were able to stroke him and stay with him after he died. Once again, the grief was very powerful, but I did feel because I was able to express it fully in the moments after he died that the heartbreak felt easier to understand and accept.’

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When Essex dog trainer Joe Nutkins’ pet dog Cassie died in 2017, she admits she found it hard to talk about for years. The pain was so much originally, that even a Facebook pop up would leave her in tears and unable to see clients or friends.

Joe and her beloved dog Cassie (Picture: Joe Nutkins)
After Cassie’s death, Joememorialised her with tattoos on her body (Picture: Joe Nutkins)

‘Us trainers, along with groomers, dog walkers and vet can really feel the grief when our client dogs pass as well,’ explains Joe. ‘Especially if we have seen them regularly for years. We support our clients but back home we will have moments of grieving.’

Since then, Joe has had tattoos to immortalise Cassie, following in the footsteps of celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Orlando Bloom and Sophie Turner, who have also been inked in memory of a lost pet.

‘Grief is a process and takes time – no set time – just however long each person needs and sometimes we need longer than we first realise,’ she adds.

Nicola Wordsworth, from Kent, tells Metro that she used to find huge comfort in going out on hacks with her horse Mini. The long rides were a form of escape from the stresses of running her own eco friendly dog products business and her marriage break up.

When Mini died after an accident, Nicola sought therapy to deal with her loss.

‘My grief and anger was so intense,’ remembers Nicola, 56, who has since had Mini’s ashes made into a diamond ring which she wears every day.

‘I’ve always had pets, and I’ve always grieved when they go over ‘the rainbow bridge’, but nothing ever prepared me or has surpassed the grief of losing Mini.’

When Nicola’s horse Mini died in an accident her grief was intense she sought therapy to deal with it (Picture: Nicola Wordsworth)
Nicola keeps Mini close by having her her ashes made into a diamond ring (Picture: Nicola Wordsworth)

Having helped hundreds of people with their grief, and written a book on the subject, Dawn recommends that those who are bereaved take extra care to look after themselves; to eat well, get enough sleep and to get exercise in the fresh air.

‘We’ll charge up our phones and put fuel in the car, but when we are grieving we will neglect ourselves and end up falling ill. That self-care is really important,’ she says.

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Dawn, who adopts regularly, takes on elderly dogs, and has a house full of animals, so with 25 deaths, you would think the process gets easier, but it doesn’t, she says sadly.

‘It actually gets harder. I think of the current loss and back over all our previous losses. As I get older, I am thinking of my chances of having more dogs. I’ve loved giving them a home and knowing that they are well looked after.

‘With each new loss, it’s the end of a chapter, the end of an era.’

Coping with the loss of a pet

Dawn advises:

  • Acknowledge your loss and your feelings
  • Take one day at a time – grief cannot be rushed
  • Be kind to yourself and do not self-blame
  • Take care of your physical health
  • Reach out for support

‘I would also recommend writing their pets story in a journal, from the first day they got them and all the wonderful shared memories they have,’ adds Dawn. ‘A jar of memories can also help, as they can be read to help lift your spirit during the darker days of grief.’

A jar of memories can lift you up in the darker days of grief (Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Meanwhile, Alix Baldwin, director of funeral advisors Funeral Choice, says:For anyone considering planning a funeral when their pet passes, it is important to check out the laws and guidance around pet cremation and burials.

For example, you need to own the property to bury a pet in the garden and be aware of local water sources. And although most local authorities won’t allow you to bury a pet in a traditional cemetery for humans, you can bury a pet in a licensed pet cemetery or in some natural burial grounds.

The number of pet burial grounds in the UK is growing. Some of these pet cemeteries will also allow both human and pet ashes to be buried together, which may bring peace of mind to strongly bonded pets and owners.’

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