I’m Convinced This Is The Perfect Name For Sheldon & Amy’s Daughter After Young Sheldon’s Leonard Reveal


I’m Convinced This Is The Perfect Name For Sheldon & Amy’s Daughter After Young Sheldon’s Leonard Reveal

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I’m Convinced This Is The Perfect Name For Sheldon & Amy’s Daughter After Young Sheldon’s Leonard Reveal

Now that Young Sheldon’s finale revealed Amy and Sheldon have a daughter, I’ll be heartbroken if her name isn’t a perfect nod to The Big Bang Theory lore. Young Sheldon’s finale did not reveal a lot about Sheldon and Amy’s later life, but this did not stop viewers from speculating. The fact that Penny babysat Amy and Sheldon’s children off-screen prompted fan theories about Leonard’s potential death as viewers attempted to glean any conceivable narrative developments from the brief cameo. While Leonard’s potential Big Bang Theory death wasn’t confirmed, Sheldon and Amy’s number of children was revealed.

Sheldon and Amy had no children in The Big Bang Theory’s finale, and they were the last of The Big Bang Theory’s cast of characters to try (except for the perpetually single Raj). Penny was pregnant in the finale, while Howard and Bernadette already had two children by this point. Years later, Young Sheldon’s finale revealed that Amy and Sheldon had two children in the intervening years between the two shows. They refer to their son Leonard numerous times and to their daughter, although her name is not revealed. Luckily, I’ve since worked out the perfect name for her.

Sheldon & Amy Should Have Named Their Daughter Marie (Or Mary)

Marie Curie And Sheldon’s Mother Provide A Perfect Name

Amy and Leonard named their son Leonard after one of Sheldon’s heroes, Leonard Nimoy, although this was also conveniently the name of Sheldon’s best friend, Leonard. Given their approach to naming, I’m certain that Amy and Sheldon would name their daughter “Mary” or “Marie.” This would simultaneously be a tribute to both the celebrated scientist Marie Curie and, on a more personal level, Sheldon’s beloved mother Mary. Young Sheldon’s best episodes revealed just how much Sheldon relied on his mother throughout his childhood, and he remained close with her throughout The Big Bang Theory despite their divergent beliefs.

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Sheldon’s pretensions of grandeur mean he would never have been willing to simply name his daughter after his mother.

I’m sure Amy and Sheldon wouldn’t be able to resist the graceful symmetry of naming their daughter after both a famous scientific mind and Sheldon’s loving mother. Mary would be delighted by the tribute, while Sheldon’s high-minded attitude would be appeased by the certainty that he had named his daughter after one of his idols. Sheldon’s pretensions of grandeur mean he would never have been willing to simply name his daughter after his mother, but I also believe his abiding love for his mother means he would be delighted to find an excuse to do so via the name “Marie.”

Sheldon & Amy’s The Big Bang Theory Ending Already Honored Marie Curie

The Big Bang Theory’s Finale Highlighted Sheldon & Amy’s Marie Curie Obsession

The Curies were famously the first married couple to win the Nobel Prize together, and the fact that Sheldon and Amy repeated this feat in The Big Bang Theory’s finale makes me doubly certain about their off-screen daughter’s name. Unfortunately, there’s no way for me to be certain. Leonard’s name is used numerous times in Young Sheldon’s finale, but Sheldon and Amy’s daughter is never referred to by her name. While Howard and Bernadette’s Big Bang Theory children were both named, Sheldon and Amy’s daughter is as much of a mystery as Penny’s pregnancy in the series finale.

Other Possibilities For Sheldon & Amy’s Daughter’s Name

Sheldon and Amy’s Daughter May Have Been Named After Another Notable Scientist

Sheldon and Amy’s daughter could also have been named after Penny, although there isn’t a specific female Nobel Prize winner who shares her nickname. Luckily, I do know of at least two notable scientists who Sheldon and Amy could have honored by borrowing their best friend’s name. Penelope Boston is an astrobiologist who was the final director of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute until 2019, while Penelope Jeggo is a British molecular biologist who has published groundbreaking work on gene mutations. The latter even goes by the nickname ‘Penny,’ making her a prime candidate for Sheldon and Amy’s apparent naming system.

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Why Young Sheldon’s Finale Revealed His Son’s Name (But Not His Daughter’s)

Young Sheldon’s Finale Needed To Center On Sheldon And His Son

Since Sheldon and Amy are revealed to have two children in the episode, it is notably odd that Young Sheldon’s finale only names Leonard. The name of Sheldon’s daughter remains a mystery and, at first glance, this could seem a little unfair. However, within the context of Young Sheldon’s final season, the choice adds up. It is important to note that, although Young Sheldon season 7 set up Georgie and Mandy’s spinoff, Meemaw’s character change, and Missy’s future, the spinoff was mostly focused on Sheldon’s relationship with George Sr. George Sr.’s death is central to the show’s ending.

Young Sheldon season 7 highlighted Sheldon’s troubled relationship with his father, so it made sense for the spinoff’s finale to focus on Sheldon’s relationship with his son.

Young Sheldon ended shortly after George Sr.’s death precisely because the title character was, in a very real sense, no longer young after the event. Given the fact that Young Sheldon season 7 highlighted Sheldon’s troubled relationship with his father, it made sense for the spinoff’s finale to focus on Sheldon’s relationship with his son. Sheldon mirrored George Sr.’s approach to life when he opted to ignore fine-tuning his memoir in favor of spending quality time supporting Leonard at his hockey game. In contrast, his relationship with his daughter was less thematically urgent.

Why Sheldon’s Daughter Might Never Get A Name

Young Sheldon’s Upcoming Spinoff Won’t Focus On Sheldon’s Future

Sheldon Amy Watch George Sr VCR The Big Bang Theory

Although viewers now know of her existence, I’m afraid The Big Bang Theory franchise will never reveal the name of Sheldon and Amy’s daughter. The upcoming Young Sheldon spinoff Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage is unlikely to fill in any blanks left behind by the finale’s flash forward since its story takes place before The Big Bang Theory even began. Admittedly, Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage might end with a similar jump ahead in time that updates viewers on the futures of Georgie, Mandy, and everyone else in the Cooper clan. However, there are two reasons this would be unlikely to help.

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Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage
will premiere on CBS on October 17, 2024.

For one thing, any flash forwards in Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage are more likely to focus on the show’s own title characters and not The Big Bang Theory’s heroes. For another, Young Sheldon waited until its final episode before the show even revealed the existence of Sheldon and Amy’s children. As such, it seems unlikely that Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage will offer more insight into the pair’s future, as the show will be busy telling its own ‘90s-set story of Sheldon’s brother and his failed marriage. Thus, I fear the odds of viewers ever learning Sheldon’s daughter’s name are slim.

Will We Ever Learn More About Sheldon & Amy’s Kids?

Young Sheldon’s Finale Revealed Little About Sheldon’s Family

While Young Sheldon’s finale revealed that Sheldon and Amy’s kids exist, I can’t see how the series will bring them back anytime soon. Much like Howard and Bernadette’s children and Leonard and Penny’s offspring are a mystery, the only way Amy and Sheldon’s next generation of Coopers could return to screens is in an upcoming Big Bang Theory spinoff. Since the original show only ended in 2019, I fear it’s still a little too early for a next-generation follow-up. However, Young Sheldon’s finale revelations may someday be revisited in another spinoff from The Big Bang Theory starring Sheldon’s children.

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