Is Apple’s iOS 18 Faster Than iOS 17 ?


Is Apple’s iOS 18 Faster Than iOS 17 ?

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As we await the release of iOS 18, many of us are curious about how it compares to its predecessor, iOS 17.5.1, in terms of performance and user experience. The video below from Nick Ackerman delves into the key aspects of both iOS versions, focusing on the iPhone 15 Pro models, to provide a comprehensive analysis of their similarities and differences and also the difference in speed between the two software versions, let’s find out how they compare.

Boot-Up Speed and Face ID Performance

When it comes to boot-up speed, both iOS 18 Developer Beta 1 and iOS 17.5.1 demonstrate comparable performance on the iPhone 15 Pro. Users can expect their devices to be ready for use within a similar timeframe, regardless of the iOS version they are running. Additionally, Face ID, Apple’s secure biometric authentication system, functions reliably on both iOS versions, allowing users to unlock their phones and authenticate apps without any noticeable issues.

Thermal Management and Device Heating

One area where iOS 18 beta falls short compared to iOS 17.5.1 is thermal management. Users may notice their devices heating up more frequently when running the beta version, particularly during resource-intensive tasks. This increased heat generation can potentially impact the overall user experience and device performance.


Stability and Bug Prevalence

  • Icon Movement Problems: iOS 18 beta users may encounter issues with icon movement, leading to a less intuitive and more frustrating user experience.
  • Application Crashes: The beta version is more prone to application crashes, which can disrupt workflow and cause inconvenience.
  • Icon Tinting Bugs: The new icon tinting feature in iOS 18 beta is not yet fully stable, resulting in visual glitches and inconsistencies.
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User Interface and Application Performance

iOS 18 beta generally maintains smooth UI animations, providing a visually appealing experience. However, users may occasionally notice stutters or slight hiccups, which can be more noticeable when compared to the consistent performance of iOS 17.5.1. In terms of application performance, most apps run similarly on both iOS versions, with only minor differences in launch times.

Battery Life and Efficiency

Battery efficiency is another aspect where iOS 18 beta lags behind its predecessor. Users may find that their device’s battery drains faster when running the beta version, which can be inconvenient for daily use. On the other hand, iOS 17.5.1 offers more consistent battery life, allowing users to rely on their devices for longer periods without the need for frequent charging.

Internet Browsing and Typing Experience

Web browsing performance remains comparable between the two iOS versions, with users experiencing similar internet speeds and overall browsing experiences. However, when it comes to typing functionality, iOS 18 beta users may encounter occasional bugs that can hinder their productivity, especially if they heavily rely on their devices for messaging or note-taking.

Camera Functionality and Benchmarking

Both iOS 18 beta and iOS 17.5.1 deliver reliable camera functionality, ensuring that users can capture high-quality photos without major issues. However, when it comes to overall performance, benchmarking tests using Geekbench reveal that iOS 17.5.1 slightly outperforms iOS 18 beta in multi-core scores, indicating potential advantages in certain scenarios.


Based on the comparative analysis of iOS 18 Developer Beta 1 and iOS 17.5.1, it is evident that while iOS 18 beta shows promise, it is not yet ready for daily use due to stability issues and bugs. Users prioritizing a smooth and reliable experience are advised to wait for further updates and public betas before considering an upgrade. By allowing more time for refinement and optimization, Apple can ensure that iOS 18 delivers the performance and user experience enhancements that users have come to expect from their devices. We are execting to see a range of improvements in iOS 18 by the time it is released later this year with the new iPhone 16 and 16 Pro models.

See also  Apple's iOS 18 Secrets Revealed

Source & Image Credit: Nick Ackerman

Filed Under: Apple, Apple iPhone, Top News

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