Kids may say the darndest things, but sometimes they display an impressive understanding of today’s political arena … as proven in a new video making the rounds online.
CNN sat down with a group of 10 and 11-year-old kids from across the country, where they weighed in on the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. There were certainly some divisive opinions shared, especially when the children were asked to share their first thoughts about Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
Where one young girl from New Jersey described Trump as “pure evil,” a boy from Texas felt Harris was a “liar” … though, he still thought DT was more likely to do “bad things” given his status as a convicted felon.
Several of the children voiced support for Harris, noting a victory for the VP would be a history-making moment for the U.S.
Nonetheless, there were some concerns about her gender … with one young girl claiming women are “a little bit dramatic sometimes” when asked which candidate is “more selfish.”
Yet, Harris’ race didn’t seem to be a factor of concern for the children. Another child from Texas even made sure to mention Barack Obama — and how he was elected to the Oval Office not once, but twice.
Clearly, kids are paying close attention to what is being said around them … and shaping their political opinions at a young age.
Out of the mouths of babes, as they say!!!