Pool Equipment Guide – Upgrade Your Pool Setup


Pool Equipment Guide – Upgrade Your Pool Setup

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Pool Equipment Guide – Upgrade Your Pool Setup

The pool is a place for fun and relaxing, but there are many upgrades that can improve the pool experience. A few simple pool upgrades can help reduce those time-consuming maintenance tasks!

Adding a flow meter to your system will enable you to know exactly how much water you are circulating. It can save you money on your energy bill and ensure your other equipment works correctly.

1. Variable-Speed Pump

A pool pump that runs at a single speed uses up to 80% more energy than a variable-speed pump. As such, a variable-speed pump can help save money on your energy bill and keep the noise level in your backyard low.

Variable speed pumps have standard programming that allows you to switch your pump’s RPMs up and down depending on the needs of your pool. This means you can run your pump at a lower, more efficient speed during times when the pool isn’t being used and then increase the speed for specific functions or features, such as vacuuming or running your automated cleaner.

This can also allow you to reduce your pool’s turnover rate, reducing the amount of water that needs to pass through your filter. A lower turnover rate can help reduce the need for frequent cleanings, and a lower operating speed can also make it easier to maintain your pool’s pH levels.

You can find a range of variable-speed pool pumps from Hayward, Jandy, and other top brands. Some have built-in wireless capability that can work with automation systems, such as Jandy AquaLink TCX, allowing you to remotely control your pump via your smartphone or tablet.

A variable speed pump is a significant investment, but you can expect to recover the cost within two years in energy savings alone. In addition, if you’re running a variable-speed pump and your pool lines are leaking underground, you may be eligible for energy rebates.

Upgrading your pool setup can also include adding extra fun and entertainment elements like a basketball hoop or a floating bar, to help your family and guests enjoy their time in the water even more. It’s a great way to get the most value out of your pool and create an environment your family will love spending time in all summer.

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2. Cartridge Filter

The pool pump and filter are the heart of your pool system. They are what causes water to circulate and enable chemicals like chlorine and other sanitizers to reach all parts of your pool and kill bacteria, algae, and other contaminants. The right size pump and filter combination are critical to your pool’s health and operation, so your pool installer will calculate the flow rate at the start of construction to ensure you have the right pool equipment.

In addition to helping keep your pool clean, a good flow rate also reduces energy consumption and your power bill by keeping your water moving. If you’re unsure how fast your current pump works, a flow meter is an inexpensive add-on that lets you know whether your pump is circulating correctly.

Another way to improve your pool’s performance is by upgrading to a cartridge filter. While they are more expensive than a traditional sand or DE filter, they provide many benefits for homeowners who want an efficient, easy-to-maintain pool.

A cartridge filter is an aquatic version of your car’s pleated air filters that trap dust and particles 25 – 100 microns in size. Like sand or DE filters, you can tell when they’re dirty by monitoring the pressure gauge in the tank, which rises 8 – 10 psi above its clean reading. To clean them, you remove the cartridge from the tank and hose it down with your garden hose from top to bottom.

One disadvantage of cartridge filters is that they don’t have a multiport valve, so you have to open the tank to access and clean them. Some owners find this extra step a nuisance, but a cartridge is worth the investment for those who want a simple, efficient, and durable filter.

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If you decide to go with a cartridge, ensure the pool company you choose knows how to install and service them. The right installation will give you a more effective, durable, and energy-efficient pool. And who doesn’t want that?

3. Digital Tester

If you’re still using old-school test strips to measure your water chemistry, it’s time for an upgrade. Digital tester kits are much faster and more accurate than their strip counterparts, displaying simple results within seconds of collecting a sample from your pool. Plus, they make it easy to determine your water’s pH and chlorine levels, among other factors affecting your pool’s chemistry.

LaMotte’s Color Q Prol 7 is a great option for those looking to improve their water testing game. It comes with a color sensor and photometer to instantly read your water samples, giving you a clear breakdown of the key factors in your pool’s chemistry: free chlorine, total chlorine, chlorine dioxide, cyanuric acid, bromine, calcium hardness, alkalinity, and urea.

Another great option is the APLUSTE Pool Water Tester. It’s a small, portable device that plugs into your smartphone and pumps data directly to an app, taking the guesswork out of your pool’s chemistry. It also sends notifications if it detects something unusual, making it an ideal choice for pool owners who are concerned about health or skin issues that might be caused by out-of-whack water chemistry.

Adding a slide to your pool can be fun to bring some extra pizazz to family gatherings. But it’s important to consider the surrounding space before installing one. Not only do you need to consider how many people will be able to fit on the slide, but it’s also important to have enough room for swimmers and children to safely navigate the area without hitting each other or getting hung up on the edges of the slide.

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Replumbing your pool can help bring it up to code and ensure that it runs smoothly throughout the season. It can also be used to add automation, making it easier to enjoy your pool all summer long. Romanelli & Son offers a Jandy AquaLink TCX Automation System that can be added to existing pools without requiring costly mains rewiring. To get started, contact us today!

4. Cyclonic Pre-Filter

A cyclonic pre-filter is the ultimate time-saver. It removes almost all the heavy dirt particulate from your water before going to your main filter. This allows the filter to operate far more efficiently, reducing backwashing or cleaning cartridges and grids by 4-6 times. This can save pool owners thousands of gallons of water that would otherwise be wasted in backwashing.

A multi-award winner, Waterco’s MultiCyclone pre-filter is able to not only reduce your filter maintenance by extending the life of your existing filter elements but also cut water usage significantly. This is achieved by separating the coarse sediment from the incoming water stream before it reaches your swimming pool filter. This filtration system eliminates backwashing and filters the sediment down to five microns without affecting your pool’s flow rate.

The patented cyclonic design of this unit works by spinning the debris down into a sediment sump while the clean water spirals upwards. This allows the device to eliminate backwashing and utilize only 15 liters of water to flush the unit’s sediment. This is a great way to reduce your filter’s workload while saving your pool owner’s valuable time and money.

It’s easy to install, a ten-minute do-it-yourself project, and can be fitted to any type of existing pump. The unit is UV, corrosion-resistant, hydraulically efficient, and made from glass-filled reinforced thermoplastic with 2-inch threaded couplings. Certified salt-pool safe, this cyclonic pre-filter will improve any existing filter system. This upgrade is a must-have for any serious pool owner!

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