So even though these iPhone users are getting back their own phone, they rave about the better screen, and how much faster the device is. “This is processing so much quicker than my phone,” says one iPhone owner. The joke is on him because it is his iPhone that he is scrolling through. Another person, when prompted to check out the enhanced images in the Photos app, raved over the improvement even though she was actually browsing through the Photos app on her phone.
One gentleman who was fooled by the gag revealed that he is a sales expert for Apple Southcoast Plaza which is an Apple Store in Costa Mesa, California. If this proves anything, it is that the use of benchmark tests is more important than you would think since our minds can be tricked into believing our devices are running faster than they are. As for being conned into believing that the photographs in the Photos app look better and are sharper with more detail, the power of suggestion works very well with iPhone users when it comes down to upgrades even when they aren’t real.