What Each District Is Known For, Explained


What Each District Is Known For, Explained

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What Each District Is Known For, Explained


  • The Hunger Games
    districts in Panem each have a unique role in sustaining the post-apocalyptic nation’s economy and are controlled by an authoritarian dictatorship.
  • The Districts all had specific industries, such as luxury items, masonry, technology, fishing, power, transportation, lumber, textiles, grain, livestock, agriculture, and coal mining.
  • The 2023 prequel,
    The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
    , explored the districts in more detail, focusing particularly on District 12, District 11, and District 2, and explaining the Capitol’s measures to control the districts.

The Hunger Games districts introduced in books and movies make up the dystopian nation of Panem. Each district was responsible for a different segment of Panem’s economy, and, together, they kept the post-apocalyptic world habitable. There were 12 distinct districts within Panem. The entire nation was run by an authoritarian-totalitarian dictatorship led by President Snow from the Capitol. The laws were violently enforced by the Panem government and their army of Peacekeepers. The 13th of the Hunger Games districts, independent of Panem, continued to operate in secrecy which later came into play during the rebellion efforts inspired by Katniss Aberdeen in Mockingjay.

Every year, Panem forced two children from each district to compete in the Hunger Games, a deadly event that pitted innocent citizens against each other. Due to the Hunger Games and the government’s treatment of most of Panem, many districts viewed the Capitol as their enemy. The government, however, was highly dependent on the districts to supply products through a wide array of industries. The specialties of each district add to the world-building of this story and even serve the tributes of these districts when they compete in the deadly Hunger Games.


Where To Watch All 4 Hunger Games Movies

All four movies in the Hunger Games series are thankfully available to watch on the internet for those with the right streaming platforms.

The Complete Hunger Games District Map

The World Outside Panem Remains A Mystery

The districts of Panem on a map in the Hunger Games franchise.

Pictured above is Panem’s complete map as described in The Hunger Games books and movies. The map of North America in the time of The Hunger Games has changed significantly, showing the effects of the changing climate on the future, such as Florida’s disappearance and the large gap in California’s landscape.

Each district represented on the map has a greater function within the Hunger Games universe, with the people of the district being responsible for one key aspect of Panem’s survival and the Capitol’s continued happiness.


What Happened To The Rest Of The World In Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games franchise is set in a dystopian nation located in what’s left of North America – but what happened to the rest of the planet?

District 1

Jewelry And Luxury Items

Marvel talks on stage in The Hunger Games

District 1 in The Hunger Games produces jewelry and luxury items and so, unsurprisingly, is the wealthiest district in Panem outside of the Capitol. The quality of life fior citizens of District 1 couldn’t be more different to the arduous day-to-day existence of Katniss Everdeen and the citizens of District 12, and District 1 is likely the best place to live on the continent beyond the Capitol itself.

Members of District 1 were known to produce luxury items such as jewelry. Due to their skill in craftsmanship, the goods that came out of District 1 were used to decorate the Capitol. Those who lived in District 1 were some of the wealthiest citizens of Panem. Tributes from District 1 were known as “Careers” because they trained for years before competing in the Hunger Games, using their wealth and status to become elite warriors and get a leg up on the competition.

District 1’s past victors include Gloss (63rd Hunger Games), Cashmere (64th Hunger Games), and Augustus Braun (67th Hunger Games). Other notable District 1 citizens include Marvel, a tribute in the first Hunger Games movie played by Jack Quaid and the first person Katniss killed in The Hunger Games.

District 2

Masonry And Weapons Manufacturing

While District 1 may be the wealthiest district in Panem, District 2 comes in at a close second — primarily because they are responsible for the weapons manufacturing on the continent, and even in the era of The Hunger Games the arms trade is a lucrative one. However, while District 2 is where the weapons of Panem and the Peacekeepres that wield them are recruited and trained, publicly the district only contributes raw resources from its many quarries (and, of course, the masons who can turn those resources into useful goods).

Located in the Rocky Mountains, District 2 was one of the largest communities in Panem. It was also home to wealthy citizens, resulting in a positive relationship with the Capitol. District 2 was known for its masonry and weapon manufacturing. In Mockingjay, it was revealed that the Capitol’s army of Peacekeepers trained in District 2. Among the victors of District 2 are Brutus, Enobaria, and Lyme while some other notable members include Clove and Cato, the villains of the first Hunger Games movie.

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District 3


Beetee in his lab

The primary industry in District 3 was technology as the people there produced televisions, computers, and other electronics. This made them essential for the goals of the Capitol, and it’s District 3 who are responsible almost exclusively for the nation of Panem being so technologically advanced. However, despite their close relationship with the Capitol, District 3 were keen to see Snow overthrown. In terms of geography, District 3 is located to the east, and borders District 12.

During Katniss’ Victory Tour, she noticed that District 3 was one of the more rebellious districts. One of the most memorable members who came out of District 3 was Beetee, a victor who displayed his engineering and technology knowledge multiple times during the Second Rebellion of Panem. He is joined in the 75th Hunger Games by his fellow District 3 victor Wiress, who was killed during the games.

District 4


District 4 specializes in the fishing industry with citizens trained from a young age. Their tributes were generally seen as strong contenders thanks to their ability to find food for themselves. However, while District 4 publicly attributes this to the fact that fishing on an industrial scale is a demanding task that all their children are trained in. However, the reality is that they followed the example set by Districts 1 and 2, and train Career Tributes from a young age.

The most notable member Hunger Games winner from District 4 is Finnick Odair who becomes an ally of Katniss. Other notable victors include Annie Cresta who became Finnick’s wife during the Second Rebellion as well as Mags Flanagan who was the winner of the 11th Hunger Games. District 4 is another one of Panem’s most wealthy districts, and in terms of its geographical location, District 4 is on the west cost, and directly boreders District 1.


Hunger Games: What Happened To Panem After The Second Rebellion

Each rebellion propelled Panem in a new direction during the events of The Hunger Games franchise, but the second uprising brought positive changes.

District 5


Foxface on a computer in The Hunger Games.

District 5 is the battery that powers the continent of Panem, as they are solely responsible for all the electricity used, whether it’s for bright lights of the Capital or for the industrial needs of the likes of District 12. In terms of geography, District 5 directly borders the Capitol and is located along the Colorado River. District 5 houses a hydroelectric dam where many of the citizens work. While it’s considered one of the most important districts, the citizens of District 5 don’t enjoy the kind of wealth of districts 1, 2, or 4 (though they have a better quality of life than Katniss and the citizens of District 12).

The dam in District 5 became a target for the rebels in Mockingjay as they tried to cut out the power in the Capitol. Among the victors of District 5 is Porter Millicent Tripp (38th Hunger Games). Other notable members of District 5 include Hy, Sol, and Foxface, who died in the Hunger Games after eating poison berries, giving Katniss the idea to use them against the Capitol.

District 6


Hunger Games District 6 poster depicts a man carrying an oversized tire.

The core industry within District 6 is transportation, and they provide other districts with everything from hovercraft to high-speed trains. Interestingly, the citizens of District 6 are known to intensely dislike traveling, though this has never been elborated on much. As well as producing all the vehicles needed, District 6 serves as the hub for the transport network throughout all of Panem.

Like District 3, District 6 supported Katniss and the rebellion’s efforts against the Capitol. While there are no significant District 6 citizens who appear in the original Hunger Games movies, two of their notable tributes, Otto and Ginee, competed in the 10th Hunger Games which is seen in the prequel movie The Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes. District 6 is also the largest district in terms of both size and population, and most of its citizens have what would be considered a lower middle-class existence by modern standards.

District 7


Johanna Mason in her character poster from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

District 7 supplied Panem with the copious amounts of lumber the continent requires for its day-to-day operations. The area was said to be surrounded mostly by trees and the tributes of District 7 often use the signature weapon of an axe. It’s said that District 7 is among the most beautiful districts for those who enjoy natural surroundings, and – as would be expected given their citizens rely on cultivating trees — is incredibly lush and rich in natural resources.

The location of District 7 is thought to be in the Pacific northwest, and covers an area of land that, in the present day, are several provinces of Canada such as Alberta and British Columbia. The most noteworthy member of District 7 was Johanna Mason, who was part of the plan to rescue Katniss from the 75th Hunger Games. Some other notable members are former victor Blight who also fought in the 75th Hunger Games as well as Treech and Lamina who competed in the 10th Hunger Games.

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District 8


Katniss in the Hunger Games District 8 Hospital surrounded by people giving the three fingered salute.

District 8 was known for its work in the textiles industry, producing all the fabric and clothing for the other districts of Panem. This means that the quality of life for citizens of District 8 was likely quite varied compared to other districts. A skilled tailor making clothes for the residents of the Capitol would most likely make a much better living than a factory worker on a line producing work uniforms for District 6, for example. However, according to what’s explained in the books, the entirety of District 8 is considered lower middle-class, having a similar quality of life to District 6 rather than the opulence of District 1 or the Capitol.

It’s revealed in The Hunger Games novels that District 8 is full of factories and industrial fumes, with no natural wildlife to speak of, and the citizens all living in tenemant blocks. One of their factories was dedicated to producing the uniforms used by the Peacekeepers. Along with a few other districts, District 8 was instantly open to joining the rebellion. Two of District 8’s former victors, Woof and Cecilia, returned for the 75th Hunger Games only to both be killed in the opening moments. Other notable tributes include Wovey and Bobbin who is killed by the young Coriolanus Snow.


The Hunger Games: The 10 Best Districts, Ranked

In the Hunger Games series, the North American continent is separated into unique districts. Here are the ten best Districts of the franchise ranked.

District 9

Grain Production

The Hunger Games District 9 poster cropped depicts a woman in front of wheat.

Next to District 5, it could easily be argued that District 9 is the most important district when it comes to the day-to-day running of Panem, since they’re responsible for the bulk of the continent’s food. The principal industry at the focus of District 9 was grain production. Despite being the nation’s bread basket, 9 was the least referenced Panem district in all of The Hunger Games. Not much is known about the victors or tributes from District 9, however, Sheaf and Panlo are the tributes who compete in the 10th Hunger Games.

According to several pieces of Hunger Games tie-in media, District 9 can be found in the region referred to as The Great Plains, which covers the modern-day locations of stats like Nebraska and both North and South Dakota. It’s the second-largest district in Panem geographically speaking, and alongside the miles and miles of fields, also houses a significant number of factories for food processing.

District 10


Hunger Games District 10

Alongside District 9, District 10 also had a key role in keeping the nation of Panem fed. However, while District 9 was dedicated to harvesting wheat and grain, District 10 was responsible for meat, and was focused on the livestock industry, providing protein for all of Panem. Their main purpose of District 10 in terms of distribution was to raise animals and supply the meat to the Capitol, with other districts being far less of a priority (if they even received meat from District 10 at all).

Katniss never mentioned any of the specific tributes from District 10, and like District 9 little is known about this area of Panem. Brandy and Tanner are the District 10 tributes for the 10th Hunger Games. District 10 is the southernmost district of Panem, and occupies the region where modern-day Texas and several Mexican states, such as Chihuahua, Durango, and Guanajuato are located.

District 11


The citizens of District 11 giving the rebel salute in The Hunger Games

District 11 was said to be composed of a vast area, possibly the entire Southern region of Panem. Agriculture was the main industry of District 11, as the land was covered in orchards, crop fields, and cattle farms. Essentially, if it was food that wasn’t produced by District 9 or District 10, it was left to District 11 to cultivate it. This made it an incredibyl important district for Panem, though this didn’t mean its citizens were treated well.

District 11 was one of the poorest districts, and its citizens lived in small shacks in an area patrolled by Peacekeepers. Rue was one of the most notable citizens that came out of District 11, marking one of the most tragic deaths in the Hunger Games movies with Katniss’s salute to Rue igniting the rebellion in District 11.

District 12

Coal Mining

Of all the districts in The Hunger Games, District 12 is perhaps the one both viewers and readers will be most familiar with, since it’s the district that heroine Katniss Everdeen hails from. District 12 was the smallest and poorest district in Panem. The district was located in Appalachia, and its primary industry was coal mining. After the Second Rebellion, the coal mine was closed, and the district began to produce medicines. Katniss, Peeta, Gale, and Haymitch were notable members of District 12 and became the center of the Second Rebellion.

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When Katniss is rescued from the 75th Hunger Games by the rebels, President Snow bombs District 12 as punishment. Lucy Gray Baird, the hero of The Hunger Games: Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, is also a District 12 tribute who fought in the 10th Hunger Games.


Hunger Games: Why District 12 Uses A 3 Finger Salute (& What It Means)

The three-finger salute appeared in The Hunger Games when members of District 12 said goodbye to Katniss, but its meaning expanded over time.

District 13

Nuclear Technology

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) in a red bodysuit standing in the perpendicular to several people dressed in white uniforms in the Hunger Games franchise

District 13 was thought to have been destroyed by the Capitol during the First Rebellion, but it evidently made a deal to act as an independent nation. Before it seceded, District 13 was known for mining graphite, but its hidden industry was nuclear technology. This helps to explain why The Capitol conceded and agreed to let District 13 exist as an independent nation, since it’s confirmed they had access to nuclear weapons.

District 13 was once responsible for Panem’s military forces and weaponry (with this responsibility then being given to District 2 after the First Rebellion). It was with these resources that 13 was able to successfully rebel against The Capitol, as the district was able to turn Panem’s own military against it. District 13’s underground facility later became the center of the new rebellion.

How Panem’s Districts Are Different In The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes

The Prequel Story Is Set Years Before Katniss Everdeen

The 2023 prequel movie and novel it’s based on, The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes, is set 64 years before the events of Katniss’ first trip to the Hunger Games. In it, President Snow isn’t yet a political figure and is a student placed in charge of mentoring a District 12 tribute in Panem’s 10th Hunger Games. Previous winners of the Hunger Games usually mentor tributes in their own district, but with only 10 games at the time of the story, not every district has a victor yet.

With the story being set so far in the past, it is able to flesh out the different Hunger Games districts a bit more than what audiences saw in the original Hunger Games trilogy. The story still places a large focus on District 12 with tribute Lucy Gray Baird being the person Snow has to mentor. This District 12 is different from Katniss’s time though. The district hasn’t yet stopped mining, and the bleak poverty isn’t as all-consuming. Lucy, played by Rachel Zegler, is a singer, after all, a job that wouldn’t exactly be seen in Katniss’ day as there isn’t any extra money to spend on performances.

Most of all, however, is the fact that the Hunger Games prequel movie is set right after a major rebellion occurs that the Capitol quelled. That means the measures that the Capitol has taken to control the different districts in the past, and just why some are more loyal than others when Katniss and her allies rebel 65 years later, are more evident. The Hunger Games themselves are still being defined when Snow is forced to become a mentor, but the districts are already clearly defined by how valuable they are to the Capitol in the Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes.

  • The Hunger Games Franchise Poster
    The Hunger Games
    Created by:
    Suzanne Collins
    First Film:
    The Hunger Games
    Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks, Woody Harrelson, Stanley Tucci, Donald Sutherland, Lenny Kravitz, Willow Shields, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel Zegler, Tom Blyth, Viola Davis, Peter Dinklage, Hunter Schafer, Jason Schwartzman
    The Hunger Games, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

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